Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Descriptive statistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Descriptive statistics - Essay Example Differences in the mean pretest and posttest scores were computed to find out the extent in the change of confidence level brought about by the CRRP course. A higher mean difference value would indicate a higher degree of change in confidence level brought about by the CRRP course. Range and standard deviation measured the variability of the computed values in the study (Agresti & Finlay, 2009). A nurse leader may use descriptive statistics in cases when the â€Å"average†result is helpful in determining a course of action. In such cases, descriptive statistics are persuasive enough because it is able to give an overall picture of the data set in discussion. However, descriptive statistics, as the name implies simply provides a description of the data set and does not allow the nurse leader, to make inferences regarding the data (Malone, 2001). Based on my personal experience, we use descriptive statistics (particularly mean values) to find the prevalent cases in the nursing unit. Our department also routinely conducts a nurses’ evaluation assessment and our mean performance scores are usually given to us. Usefulness of Confidence Intervals in Determining Clinical Significance Confidence intervals indicate how variable the study data are, that is, the average distance of the data set values from the mean (Lee & Zelen, 2000). It should be noted that the true condition of a given population would be almost impossible to determine. Thus, researchers rely on the condition of a sample to provide a picture of the population. Confidence intervals aid researchers, analysts and practitioners in making decisions with regards to the clinical relevance of the data at hand. For example, if a study indicates a confidence interval of 95%, then the reader is able to determine that the values or the assessment given in the study is true for the population 95% of the time. The shorter the confidence interval, the more accurate is the assessment (Maki, 2006). For e xample, suppose a trial was conducted on the effectiveness of a weight loss pill against a placebo. Results of the study indicate that at a 95% confidence level, the weight loss was given to be 9 lbs. This means that the weight loss range would be between 4 to 14 lbs. Another interpretation of this information would be that it is highly likely for the pill to reduce one’s weight by at least 4 lbs, but highly unlikely for it to reduce one’s weight by more than 12 lbs. In this case, although the 9 lb weight loss arrived at was essentially just an estimate, the confidence interval that was set for the trial was able to quantify the uncertainty that was associated with that estimate (Malone, 2001). Clinical Significance vs. Statistical Significance Statistical significance measures the likelihood that the differences in the results of a particular test is due to the intervention applied on the treatment group and not simply due to chance (Malone, 2001). The most common mea sures of statistical significance, or hypothesis testing, are confidence intervals and p-values. On the other hand, clinical significance measures the magnitude of the differences created by the intervention on the daily lives of the participants (Agresti & Finlay, 2009). One controversy surrounding the issue between clinical and statistical significance is that statistical significance does not provide a clear picture of how large is the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Behavioural and Cognitive Approaches to Learning Comparison
Behavioural and Cognitive Approaches to Learning Comparison Compare and contrast two perspectives in psychology and the ways in which they study learning. The two perspectives chosen to be compared in this essay were the behavioural approach to learning and the cognitive approach. The behavioural approach to learning involves the observation of identifiable behavioural characteristics and rejects anything to do with thought processes or consciousness as it regards these features unrecognisable (Miell et al, 2002). Contrastingly, the cognitive approach focuses entirely upon thought processes and the faculties associated with the conceptual mind to understand the concept learning. In this assignment we will look at the ways in which these two fields have provided support for the concept of learning, whilst appreciating the similarities and differences of either approach. The behavioural perspective was established by Watson. Concerned with the principles of objective scientific research, Watson rejected the notion of internal psychological mechanics as he believed that this could not be empirically measured (Miell et al, 2002). All Watson was interested in was observable external phenomena, which meant behaviour. The emphasis that Watson and behaviourism put on the concept of learning was that of the association made by the organism to its external environment. This places the individual as a learning vessel reacting to the environment. However, the extent and nature of this relationship has been argued across the field of behaviourist research. A fundamental distinction between the two approaches to learning within the field of behaviourism is within the notion of conditioning classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Research into classical conditioning was defined in principle by physiologist Pavlov (Miell et al, 2002). Pavlov observed tha t in relation to certain stimuli dog’s behaviour could be conditioned through association. Using the dogs’ biological response to hunger, Pavlov revealed in his experiments the basic principle relationship between an observable stimulus and its learned response as an outcome. His work indicated that a dogs’ natural reflex to hunger could be conditioned through the contrived association of a manipulated neutral stimulus. Essentially, he showed that pairing the noise of a bell with the introduction of food the dog would salivate eventually learning through association that the bell signified food. This response was labelled the conditional response and the bell was labelled the conditional stimulus. In classical conditioning, we can see that learning is defined as a modification of behaviour caused by association and manipulation of environmental stimuli. However, the extent of intelligence involved in this form of learning is very limited. The second distinction in the behavioural approach is operant conditioning. Research conducted by Skinner gave insight into the notion of developmental or figurative learning in the form of reward and positive regard (Skinner, 1948/1990). This approach assumed that animals were primarily interactive within the role of learning behaviours. Given a variety of different consequences for each potential behaviour, it was believed that animals could decide what behaviour was best to adopt in any particular environment as it had learned and could apply through relevant schemas. In Skinner’s experiment, he used rats and manipulated their environment through reinforcement to see to what extent their behaviour could be shaped through conditioned learning (Skinner, 1948/1990). Essentially, the rats in this experiment changed their behaviours through positive reinforcement, which provided evidence of learning. From these findings the role of discrimination between stimuli was believed to be understood in the form of shaping. What had been established in both forms of behavioural models is that learning could be shaped through the manipulation of specific stimuli in any environment. However, what underlines these behavioural models of learning is the idea that learning is no more than a response to certain stimuli under manipulative environmental conditioning. This is where we can see a significant difference between that of the behavioural approach and that of the cognitive. The cognitive approach addresses the human capacity to categorise, generalise and conceptualise certain phenomena (Miell, 2002). Primarily concerned with the functioning of the mind within learning with the mind this approach, concerns itself primarily with notions such as memory, perception and categorisation (Miell, 2002). Interested in the role of perception and memory within the role of category learning, the psychologist Bruner et al, devised a test to see how we constructed categories. Unlike conditioning, Bruner suggested that this was an engaging intelligent procedure performed by way of hypothesis testing stages of acceptance and rejection based upon trial (Bruner et al, 1956). A variety of shapes were used in a variety of conditions. Some of these shared the same number of shapes, some the same colour of shape and others the same number of borders. No two varieties were identical. From the results of this experiment, Bruner et al surmised that there were two forms of learn ing that had been present. Firstly, successive scanning, which entertained one hypothesis at a time and secondly, conservative scanning, which sought to eliminate classes of hypotheses such as border, number of shapes, colour (Bruner et al, 1956). Unlike the behavioural approach, we can see from these experiments that an attempt is being made to understand the operation of the intelligent mind with regards to learning through categorisation. However, categorisation as a learning process is not accepted by everyone in the field of cognitive psychology. Although much of the research that had gone to indicate that attributes revealed that a prior knowledge or experience was active and influential in category learning (Kaplan Murphy, 2000), many argue that the categories are innate (Fodor Chomsky, 1980). This argument does strengthen the behavioural notion that the conceptual structure of the mind is open to interpretation, and so cannot be as valuable as the observable findings of th e behaviourist approach. In each approach we have seen an emphasis on the nature of learning. We have seen that this emphasis on learning is different in each approach. One approach is essentially concerned with the extent to which behaviour can be shaped by the environment and how this relationship can be observed through association and shaping. Whilst the other approach seems to be only concerned with how the environment is categorised by the organism and how it subsequently applies that to a concept of structural framework. However, both agree on the fundamental principle that learning is done in conjunction with the environment. Bibliography Bruner, J, S., Goodnow, J, J., and Austin, G, A., (1956) A Study of Thinking New York: John Wiley and Sons. Chomsky, N., and Fodor, J, A., (1980) Statement of the Paradox, in Piatelli Palmarini, M. (ed.). Miell, D., Phoenix, A. and Thomas, K. (2002) Mapping Psychology 1. Milton Keynes, Open University. Kaplan, A, S., and Murphy, G, L., (2000) Category Learning with Minimal Prior Knowledge, Journal of Experimental Psychology, 26, 4, 829-846. Skinner, B, F., (1946/1990) Walden Two London: Collier Macmillan.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Free Essays - First Impressions in Pride and Prejudice :: Pride Prejudice Essays
First Impressions in Pride and Prejudice Pride and Prejudice was first titled First Impressions, and these titles embody the themes of the novel. The narrative describes how the prejudices and first impressions (especially those dealing with pride) of the main characters change throughout the novel, focusing on those of Elizabeth Bennet. Elizabeth's judgments about other characters' dispositions are accurate about half of the time. While she is correct about Mr. Collins and how absurdly self-serving he is and about Lady Catherine de Bourgh and how proud and snobbish she is, her first impressions of Wickham and Darcy steer her incorrectly. Wickham is first thought to be a gentleman by all. His good looks and his easy manner fool almost everyone, and Elizabeth believes without question all that he tells her of Darcy. Elizabeth's first impressions of him are contradicted when she realizes that he has lied about Darcy. Elizabeth and many of the other characters see Darcy as proud, and it can be seen from this quote just how quickly this judgment of him is formed. "The gentlemen pronounced him to be a fine figure of a man, the ladies declared he was much handsomer than Mr. Bingley, and he was looked at with great admiration for about half the evening, till his manners gave a disgust which tuned the tide of his popularity; for he as discovered to be proud, to be above his company, and above being pleased; and not all his large estate in Derbyshire could then save him from having a most forbidding, disagreeable countenance, and being unworthy to be compared with his friend." It is not only what she believes to be pride in Darcy's character that makes her judge him harshly, but also her prejudice against him because of the lies Wickham has told her. Darcy sees this fault of prejudice in Elizabeth, stating that her defect is "willfully to misunderstand everybody." In the end Elizabeth realizes her folly in trusting her first impressions and prejudices about the men, and states, "how despicably have I acted... I, who have prided myself on my discernment! - I, who have valued myself on my abilities..." The above are only a few of the major examples of first impressions, prejudice and pride in the novel, as these themes show up throughout the story.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
World climate change
IntroductionThe ambiance and interact with each other, the Earth changes the orbit, volcanic eruptions and the energy received from Sun alterations – these are consequences of the universe clime alteration. Over 100 yeas ago, people had begun firing coal, gas and oil, which lead to climate alteration and causation nursery consequence and planetary heating. As a consequence of the human activities the emanation of nursery gases, such as C dioxide, azotic oxide and methane, influence on planetary heating and leads to atmosphere that known as â€Å"greenhouse effect†. Merely because of combustion of fossil fuels, every twelvemonth over 30 billion metric tons of C dioxide go oning emitted to atmosphere and even 7 billion metric tons to boot go oning to breathe by deforestation activities. Increasing concentration of C dioxide in the ambiance can increase planetary temperature to 7A °C and influence on the planetary biggest ecosystems to resistless recession. For comparin g, increasing temperature to 2A °C can take to disappearance of 20 – 30 % of species. The nursery gases – azotic oxide and methane are increasing by human activities as good and have less powerful nursery consequence than C dioxide. Methane produces on topographic points such as landfill sites, favored bogs and besides in the backbones of domestic animate beings. Amount of azotic oxide is increasing by N fertilizers being used in agribusiness. During the last 20 – 30 old ages the Arctic has been heating twice than remainder of the universe. Land – ice and snow screen is decreased, during this period, which effects the land heats faster than sea. This heating leads to conditions that Northern Hemisphere is warming more than Southern. In fact, sea degree is rises, because of ice thaws, when warming clime cause that H2O from melted glaciers flows into the oceans ; and thermic enlargement – when warming clime leads to warming H2O in ocean, which is cause sea degree rise.The Kyoto understandingIn 11 December 1997 in Kyoto, Japan was adopted and in 2005 entered into force the Kyoto understanding – international understanding – Convention on Climate Change. In the Kyoto understanding set marks for 37 industrialized states and the European community to cut down nursery gas emanation. Harmonizing to the Kyoto understanding, the states should accomplish marks through national steps and offers three market based mechanisms for it ; emanation trading, clean development mechanism and joint execution. Emission trading or the C market is administrative control of emanation. All parties of the protocol accepted mark to restrict or cut down emanation. Just because of C dioxide chiefly is the chief nursery gas, that ‘s why C now traded like other merchandises. The clean development mechanism allows to a state with emanation decrease or restriction committedness to work on emanation decrease undertakings in developing states. Joint execution allows to a state with emission restriction or decrease committedness from emanation decrease or remotion undertakings to gain emanation decrease units. Harmonizing to the protocol, emanations of states have to be monitored and all these records should be kept. The chief aim of the Kyoto protocol is to cut down corporate emanation of nursery gases by 5 % in comparing with twelvemonth 1990. The emanation mark for each state should be achieved by 2008 – 2012 old ages. The Kyoto protocol is the first measure in planetary decrease of emanation and stabilizing of nursery gases.The causes and effects of clime alterationThere are exist two classs of clime alteration causes: natural and human-made. Presents, scientists in the universe concerned about clime alteration are speed up because of human activities. Natural clime alteration causes. Climate on the Earth changed through influence by natural causes like orbital alterations of the Earth, volcanic eruptions, solar fluctuations, ocean current etc. Volcano eruptions lead to elimination of sulfur dioxide, dust, ash and H2O vapor to the ambiance, which is influence the clime by increasing planetal coefficient of reflection that causes atmospheric chilling. The chief constituent of clime is the oceans. Huge sum of heat moves across the Earth by ocean currents. The sea surface pushes horizontally by air current. Deep ocean H2O moves in way from the poles to the equator and motion of warm H2O back from equator to the poles. The poles would be colder and equator warmer without this H2O circulation. The atmospheric concentration of CO2 determines by the ocean H2O circulation. Changes of the Earth orbit: The tilt alterations of the Earth may take to little but of import clime alterations ; more jousts leads to warmer summers and colder winters and less jousts leads to colder summer and heater winter. This sort of little clime alterations thereby produce ice ages. Solar fluctuations: Small alterations in solar system can take to climate alterations. Scientific surveies demonstrate that clime alterations occurred in the past by solar fluctuations. For illustration, the Little ice age between 1650 – 1850 triggered by solar activity decreasing. However, solar fluctuations can non do planetary heating. Measurements, which were done in the early 1980-s showed that the entire sum of solar energy making the planet decreased of 0,1 % in the period merely over 18 months. Some of scientists tried to happen nexus between clime alteration and maculas. Sunspots are magnetic storms, which are seen dark countries on Sun. However, scientific researches showed that maculas prevented energy of the Sun from go forthing its surface. Human causes of clime alteration. Scientific grounds of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) shows that human activities lead to climate alteration and influence on planetary clime. The chief ground of human activities that lead to climate alteration is the combustion of fossil fuels ( oil, coal and gas ) and deforestation. Fossil fuels like oil, gas and coal are resources of energy to bring forth electricity, run vehicles and as a consequence of it the big sum of C dioxide, methane and azotic oxide have been emitted to the ambiance. The chief causes of clime alteration in the UK are: 4 % C emanations from industries ; 7 % from agribusiness ; 21 % from conveyance ; 65 % from energy generate procedure by the use of fuel. The beginnings with the biggest sum of emanation are conveyance, air travel and use of energy in families. Harmonizing to the IPCC, the three chief causes of the nursery gases addition are land usage, fossil fuels and agribusiness. Agriculture has important influence on clime alteration by production and release nursery gases. Agriculture cause clime alteration by alarming land screen of the Earth, which leads to act upon on ability to absorb and reflect the heat and visible radiation. The combustion of fossil fuels, deforestation and desertification are the chief beginnings of C dioxide emanation. Deforestation leads to construct up more CO2 in the ambiance. We know that trees absorb CO2. Cuting down rainforest leads to increasing CO2 in the ambiance by 17 % . The recent study of the IPCC says that temperature on the Earth in the period of from 1906 to 2005 has increased by 0.74A °C and temperature are continue to increase. The mean temperature of the Earth is 14 A °C. In instance of natural nurseries consequence did n't be, the mean temperature would be minus 19A °C. A assortment of gases causes greenhouse consequence. The important part for it makes H2O bluess. CO2 – followed by H2O bluess, causes the content of nursery gases in the ambiance. Current concentration of CO2 in the ambiance is 385 ppm. Before of the industrialization, it was – 280 ppm. Air analysis from ice cap of the Antarctic showed that air contained CO2 more than remainder of gases and than in the all period of 650000 old ages.Consequence of clime alterationNowadays people can detect effects of planetary clime alteration on ambiance, human wellness, agribusiness, economic etc. Ice on lakes and rivers interrupting up earlier, glaciers have been shrunk, trees blooming earlier, some types of animate beings and workss are shifted. Climate alteration effects were predicted by scientists in the yesteryear, which is go oning: sea degree rises faster and longer, sea ice is loss, more intense heat moving ridges. Scientists rather confident about lifting planetary temperatures for decennaries, which have been caused by nursery gases from human – made activities. Harmonizing to the IPCC, clime alteration consequence will be vary in some parts over clip, which is depend on the abilities of environmental and societal systems for version and extenuation for alterations. IPCC says that lifting of planetary temperature by 1-3A °C in comparing with 1990 will consequence beneficially on some parts and detrimentally on others. These conditions will consequence economic state of affairs of states as good. Some of planetary clime alteration impacts on parts are following:Europe Risk of inland inundations are increasing, coastal implosion therapy and eroding from inundations are increasing and sea degree is lifting, snow screen and winter touristry is reduced, glaciers in mountain country is retreats, harvest productiveness decrease in southern EuropeAsia In south, east, sou'-east and cardinal Asia predicted decreasing of fresh H2O by the 2050, coastal countries under increasing hazard of implosion therapy, therefore decease rate from inundations and drouths can be increased in some parts.Africa Water emphasis traveling to be increased by 2020, outputs from rain-fed agribusiness in some parts can be reduced by up to 50 % by 2020, badly impact can be on agribusiness production.North America In the western mountains of North America snowpack is diminishing and therefore, outputs of rain-fed agribusiness of some parts is increasing, strength, continuance and frequence oh heat moving ridges is increasing in metropolissSouth America In eastern Arizona tropical woods replacing bit by bit by Savannah, in some tropical countries species extinction leads to the important hazard of biodiversity loss, impact on agribusiness, H2O handiness and energy coevals.Skeptics and lobbyist about clime alterationHaving talked about clime alteration the most likely to run into skeptics, who denies climate alteration effects by seeing confederacy of grant – hungry broad scientists, or rely on viing theories, or see climate alteration as misrepres entation from authorities. All brief information on causes and effects of planetary clime alteration shows important hazard for the full universe in all facets of life. Harmonizing to Pew Global Attitudes Survey 2006, 47 % of Americans 37 % Chinese people do n't concern about clime alteration job. These states is the chief manufacturers of nursery gases and non responsible on C, which goes up to the ambiance and effects the full universe. The Competitive Enterprise Institute ( CEI ) , which supported financially by such companies as Amoco, Ford Motor Co, Exxon Mobile, Texaco etc, supply information to skeptics. Harmonizing to the CEI, if there are topographic point for scientific argument on clime alteration its agencies that there are non scientific consensus about planetary clime alteration.Aims of the Kyoto understanding awaken â€Å"deep pocket†and are non good for such large industries.Skeptics says that alliance financed by big corporations and trade groups from oil, c oal, car industries and budget of the Kyoto protocol in 1997 was $ 1,68mln. During 1990s alliance conducted million dollar advertisement runs, politicians and scientists were debating on how people perilously heat the planet. Presents, their arguments changed on how to respond on lifting temperature.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Law and Real Estate Essay
Executive Summary Pacific Grove Spice started as a small specialty grocer on the Monterey Peninsula of California in the early 1980s. Within 10 years they were the â€Å"place†to find spices in Central California and now have a widespread reach covering all 50 states. The spice industry that it is in has been growing steadily because of how important a role spices are getting in the kitchens and in cooking. The growing concern about obesity and diet has also left a positive impact because of the health conscious people that desire healthier meals that are still favorable. The demand for spices is at an all-time high and although multinational firms like McCormick & Company dominate the industry, many small firms are competing successfully, Pacific Grove spice being one of them. The problem that Debra Peterson and Fletcher Hodges are having is that they have three choices to make. They have to decide whether they should accept an offer from a cable-cooking network to produce and sponsor a new program, raise new equity by selling shares of common stock, and/or acquire High Country Seasonings-a privately owned spice company. While making their decision they have to keep in mind that the bank financing their company wants them to reduce interest-bearing debt to less than 55% of total assets and the equity multiplier to less than 2.7 times by June 2012. We recommend that Introduction Debra Peterson is currently the Chief Executive Officer of the Pacific Grove Spice Company. The Chief Financial Officer, Fletcher Hodges, and she are trying to figure out what strategy to take to meet the demands of the bank that finances their company. The recent financial crisis had made the credit committee uneasy and they now want Pacific Grove Spice to reduce interest-bearing debt to less than 55% of total assets and the equity multiplier to less than 2.7 times by June 2012. They have three options they are currently considering and this case study illustrates the financial forecasts for the next few years and showcases what we feel is the best decision for them regarding their options and the banks demands. Analysis Pacific Grove Spice’s operations are not profitable enough to quickly bring it into compliance with the bank’s requirements. It’ll take about four years with just the regular operations.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Example Student Teacher Observation Checklist
Example Student Teacher Observation Checklist To prepare yourself for a student teacher role, familiarize yourself with the roles and responsibilities of a student teacher. The experience is rewarding, demanding, and depends on periods of review from other teachers and administrators. These general checklists closely align to ones a student teacher would encounter in the field from college professors and mentoring educators. Classroom Observation by Cooperating Teacher Here you will find a question or statement followed by specific areas the cooperating teacher will be observing the student teacher on. 1. Is the student teacher prepared? Do they have an organized, detailed lesson plan and all materials needed? 2. Do they have knowledge of the subject matter and a purpose? Can the student teacher answer students questions? Can he/she motivate students to peak their interest in the subject matter? 3. Can the student teacher control students behavior? Keep their attentionInvolve students in the lessonStop lesson when neededAware of individual needsProvide positive reinforcement 4. Does the student teacher stay on topic? Do they follow a logical sequence? 5. Is the student teacher enthusiastic about the lesson they are teaching? Are students excited shown through class participation and behavior?Are the activities appropriate? 6. Does the student teacher have the ability to: Stay on topic?Give directions?Reach objectives?Vary questions?Involve students?Encourage participation and thinking?Summarize lesson? 7. Is the student teacher able to present: Enthusiasm?Details?Flexibility?Speech and grammar? 8. Do students actively participate in class activities and discussions? Are students attentive and interested?Are students cooperative and responsive? 9. How do the students respond to the student teacher? Do they follow directions?Do they display understanding?Are they respectful? 10. Does the teacher communicate effectively? Provide visual aidsTone of voice Areas of Observation by College Supervisor Here you will find several topics that can be observed during a single lesson. 1. General appearance and demeanor Dresses appropriatelyGood posture, animation, and smiles 2. Preparation Provides and follows a lesson planHas knowledge of the materialIs organizedIs creativeProvides teaching aids 3. Attitude towards the classroom Respects studentsListens to studentsEnthusiasticDisplays a sense of humorHas patience and sensitivityHelps students when needed 4. Effectiveness of lessons Motivates through instruction and presentationMeets objectivesStays on topicPaces lessonEncourages class participationCarefully directs and explains expectationsUses effective questioningAbility to summarize the lessonHas a concluding activityCorrelates lesson with other subjects 5. Presenter effectiveness Speaks clearly using proper grammarAvoids using colloquialisms such as you guys and yeahAttentive to detailsHas confidenceBoard writing is legibleMaintains authority 6. Classroom management and behavior Does not embarrass, use sarcasm, or argue with studentsRemains an adult at all timesDoes not tolerate or dwell on inappropriate behaviorKeeps lesson flowing and knows when to stop or wait Areas of Observation Used in Self-Evaluation This list of questions forms the basis of a self-evaluation process for a student teacher. Are my objectives clear?Did I teach my objective?Is my lesson timed well?Do I remain on one topic too long or too short?Do I use a clear voice?Was I organized?Is my handwriting legible?Do I use proper speech?Do I move around the classroom enough?Did I use a variety of teaching materials?Do I show enthusiasm?Do I have make good eye-contact with the students?Did I explain the lesson effectively?Were my directions clear?Did I show confidence and knowledge of the subject?
Monday, October 21, 2019
Discussion 2 Example
Discussion 2 Example Discussion 2 – Coursework Example Discussion Surety for the scientific soundness and empirical support in favor of a treatment is primarily derived from research statistics. Not manypsychological interventions are investigated empirically because their proposers decline to offer them for research under the prevailing paradigms of research (The Australian Psychological Society Ltd., n.d., p. 1). Fact is; â€Å"scientific theories never become facts†(Lutus, 2013). However, application of the theories on particular cases reported in peer-reviewed journals and other publications yields valuable results and conclusions for other users. Intensive programs of behavioral intervention employ a variety of behavioral techniques which have to be changed along with the progress of the child and as the different areas of skill are developed (New York State Department of Health, 1999). Operant conditioning is one of the most used theories in behavioral psychology. One problem with operant conditioning exists in the comprehe nsion and application of the process of learning. Operant conditioning tends to define the whole learning and behavior in terms of the relationship between stimuli and consequences. Such approach is sometimes not suitable for explaining the various kinds of behaviors that the subject exhibits regardless of the stimuli. An alternative to operant conditioning is Real Training. Real Training may be used, for example, in cases when the subject e.g. the dogs have become contentious. It is the approach that imparts a need for the trainer to work with the dog to teach it the expected behavior. â€Å"To a real trainer, the idiosyncratic and unexpected responses any subject can give are the most interesting and potentially the most fruitful events in the training process†(Pryor, n.d.). Unlike operant conditioning, Real Training recognizes difference between just knowing and actual doing. This difference may characterize a contention point instead of a lack of conditioning (Hild, 2011 ). References:Hild, R. (2011). Real Training vs. "Operant Conditioning". Care Dog Training. Retrieved from Lutus, P. (2013). Is Psychology a Science? Retrieved from New York State Department of Health. (1999, Nov.). Chapter IV (Continued) - Behavioral and Educational Approaches. Retrieved from Pryor, K. (n.d.). Don’t shoot the dog. Retrieved from The Australian Psychological Society Ltd. (n.d.). Evidence-based Psychological Interventions in the Treatment of Mental Disorders: A Literature Review. 3rd Edition. Retrieved from Discussion 2 Example Discussion 2 – Coursework Example Can Science Be Sacred al Affiliation) Can Science Be Sacred? Adam Frank uses a previous experience, where he was coming from a Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) class and headed to the student cafeteria to get a cup of coffee, to explain the relationship between science and the sacred. He attributes his experience to the equations and states that solving the equations indicated a connection between science and the sacred. After noticing oscillations on the coffee’s surface from the ice cream freezer’s motor, he explains the theory of hierophany. Frank, (2012) explains that the relationship between science and the sacred lies in focusing on the experience. When the equations are solved practically, the solutions are understood through the experience. It is this experience that Frank describes as, â€Å"hierophany†(Frank 2012). The coffee cup incident was an experience of the sacred. It was from the incident that Frank extracted, â€Å"the connection, and the usefulness, of the sacred to a world saturated with the fruits of science†(Frank 2012). Science is fundamental to technological advancement; hence a path to discovering the sacred. Frank concludes that science is the gateway to the sacred. It is through science that humanity can focus on the experience that differentiates a religion from the sacred. Frank provides insight to what ought to be considered as religion and as sacred. The article develops an understanding that equations attempt to explain the sacred. In addition, the sacred is depicted to mean natural occurrences. For example, the planetary motion is a natural occurrence. However, the motion can be understood using a set of equations to analyze the movement. The article is clear and succinct on explaining the significance of science to experience the sacred. The article also sheds light as to whether the sacred can exist outside a religion. Faith forms the fundamental component of religion whereas experience is th e fundamental component of sacred. Religion is mainly based on the creed and doctrine of spiritual life. On the other hand, the sacred is the natural occurrences that are not influenced by human behavior, and that can be understood through science. Science cannot explain religion as it does explain the sacred. ReferenceFrank, A. (2012, January 20). Can Science Be Sacred? Retrieved January 30, 2015, from b_1213082.html
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Free sample - The Vulnerability of Innocence. translation missing
The Vulnerability of Innocence. The Vulnerability of InnocenceOne of the major themes depicted by Herman Melville is the vulnerability of innocence as well as how evil and innocence are contrasted and both of which are considered to be elemental human qualities. Naturally, Billy is presented as childlike; purely innocent who has no knowledge whatsoever concerning evil. On the other hand Claggart is a true replica of pure evil, which cannot be explained except only as blemished constituent of human nature. According to Melville, Claggart had â€Å"no power to annul the elemental evil in him, though readily enough he could hide it; apprehending the good, but powerless to be it; a nature . . . like the scorpion for which the Creator alone is responsible.†(Melville 16) Among the many queries raised in the narrative as to whether true innocence can coexist among humanity or will it always be trampled by evil or driven to iniquity in the shape of aggravated response, such as Billy striking Claggart. By tolera ting innocence to be dreadfully overwhelmed in Billy Budd, Melville makes it apparent that evil still is still evident in the world and that innocence will forever have to fight against it (Parker 12). Captain Vere's is in a dilemma on whether to condemn Billy and have him hanged despite the fact that his logic that the young sailor is not guilty is caused by Vere's very nature. Captain Vere is exemplified throughout Billy Budd as a man who pays attention to his duty. Long before the appearance of Captain Vere, the complete depiction of the captain by Rights-of-Man minor character Captain Graveling predicts the more fundamental captain's problem. In his duty, the captain has always been faithful, to a point that the same duty had turned into an obligation. It is the "dryness" of duty that leads him to have a sense of detachment from feeling or perception. In the novel, duty is portrayed as a being intellectual rather than emotional. In addition, according to Wood Captain Vere is described as having "a marked leaning toward everything intellectual, and never tolerating an infraction of discipline." (Melville 11) He abides by the law and in return he expects his men to follow suit. Billy Budd does not characterize goodness as much as he does innocence, and the argument linking innocence and evil in this novel is diverse from the difference evident between good and evil. Through the narrator, we realize that Billy is not an idol in the conventional sense. Despite the fact that he has the appealing looks and casual outlook of the model Handsome Sailor, his significant characteristic is excessive gullibility, with no moral potency or audacity. Billy lacks a sufficient consciousness of good and evil to an aid him in choosing goodness willfully, leave alone champion it. For the reason that he is not able to identify evil when tackled by it, he eventually allows Claggart to drag him from being virtuous and into violence. Early in his life – as a handsome youthful popular sailor, Billy has the only wish of adjusting to the social life around him as well as being well liked. He assumes that no one has grounds to detest him. On the contrary, Claggart is full of deception, distrust, as well as wickedness, and he even infers Billy’s placidity as a treacherous pretense. Claggart seems to obliterate Billy on no particular grounds other than the latter’s innocence. Evil subsists to corrupt innocence, and even despite the fact that Billy kills Claggart; in a sense Claggart achieves a twofold victory over Billy in his own demise. It is Claggart’s actions that cause Billy to fall from both public and ethical grace by committing murder and Billy endure death as a consequence. Even though numerous characters in Billy Budd possess strong personal consciences; essentially, the individuals on the ship are not capable of trusting trust one another. Subsequently, life aboard the ship is administered by a stringent set of rules, and basically everybody trusts the rules and not the conscience honour of individual in order to ensure that law is maintained order. The distrust that the characters experience stems from the sagacity that evil is persistent and that Evil men such as Claggart seem to be lurking all over the place. Since it is not possible to know for sure whether people’s intents are good or evil, the evil men not only masquerade their own subtle designs, but they also ascribe evil intentions to others. Most conspicuously, Claggart misinterprets Billy’s intent in the soup-spilling occurrence and later plots his downfall (Wood 23). The Dansker realizes this sort of fraudulence all too well, and as a consequence, he acquires scepticism in his transactions with other people. The Dansker’s discretion may be construed in different ways, but one such conceivable interpretation is that he fails to take direct action against evil men because he fears the cost of facing up to evil directly, thus leaving other fine men like Billy to take care and protect themselves. He may signify people who occupy themselves with roles in order to fit into the social order, by no means totally standing-in on their own impulses and as well as creating a barrier between themselves and the outside world. In this particular reading, Dansker confront an impasse comparable to Vere’s. Initially the Dansker grows fond of Billy and even tries to help him, but he eventually gives up Billy to the paranoid, claustrophobic world of the ship, where men are detached from their own principles. In Billy Budd, men who deal with the law and men who face up to evil experience comparable consequences, signifying the dark vision that evil and the law are strongly connected (Levine 32). Melville is extremely fascinated in the ways in which culture forces citizens to restrain or limit their personality. When the warship Bellipotent hauls out the humble Billy from his previous ship, the Rights-of-Man, the metaphor is realistically explicit: society is supreme, it induces men into chipping in war, and in so doing it can readily allot with the rights of the personality. Captain Vere’s dilemma when dealing with Billy illustrated how culture requires the partition of one’s inner belief from one’s social commitment. In indicting Billy, Vere make a decision to follow the correspondence of the law, in spite of his own logic that Billy personifies decency and virtue. Feeling the strain of his position as a person in charge as well as with a responsibility to witness as the men obey the Mutiny Act, Vere forces himself to pay no attention to his own feelings about Billy’s condition and even goes a step ahead to urge the other jurors in the case to follow suit (34). The narrator’s aim seems to be that the desires of individuals are in general good and advantageous the whole society. Nevertheless, the result of the narrator’s story is more portentous. Even though the British war machine significantly benefits from the person eagerness and partisanship of its sailors, the more dominant the navy becomes, the further it is capable to smother individualism. Indeed, the harsh legislation of the Mutiny Act is passed to contain any additional murmurings of rebels. Melville seems to advocate that eventually, the individual’s effort to declare himself in the face of society will bear out futile.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Ideology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Ideology - Research Paper Example due in part to centuries of anti-Semitism and sensitivity to the way in which issues relating to Israel’s existence and the Holocaust are understood by individuals throughout society. Yet, rather than dismissing this topic out of hand, due to the fact that it is somewhat unpopular to discuss, this particular student has felt it necessary to undertake an analysis of the situation that could help to spread a further level of understanding with regard to whether or not the Israel lobby is in fact disproportionately powerful within the United States house and Senate. Research by Dov Waxman indicated that the Israel lobby has a long standing relationship with both political parties; thereby enabling it to engage newcomers and the executive branch in a way that few other lobbies are capable of doing. Such an understanding is essential towards realizing the scope and breadth of the Israel lobby and the means by which AIPAC and others mobilize their influence to effect key goals that relate to the strategic needs that Israel and its lobbies represent. Waxman further notes that even though many other countries have sought to label their own lobbies after that of Israel, the overall level to which they are able to accomplish their strategic vision and needs pales in comparison to the degree and extent to which Israel is able to continue to foist its views on to the political spectrum within the United States. Hila Tal indicated that the commercial success of the Israel lobby is ultimately continues to encourage it integrate the political process within the United States. Ultimately, as a direct result of the fact that the Israel lobby is effectively able to garner tens of billions of dollars each and every year for Israel and its respective interests throughout the region, the lobby self perpetuates and gains a further foothold with respect to the way in which it can engage the Democratic and Republican stakeholders within the United States Congress. Other lobbies that
Friday, October 18, 2019
Corporate Governance & Corporate Social Responsiblity Research Paper
Corporate Governance & Corporate Social Responsiblity - Research Paper Example The increasing incidents of scandals in financial organizations has facilitated the need for corporate to play a more active role in promoting good corporate governance and behavior. This paper investigates the roles that banks and institutional investors can play in promoting good corporate governance and behavior in Asian economies. Asian financial institutions, banks and institutional investors play important economic roles in the region. However, just like in other regions across the world have indicated, poor governance of the institutions do not only cause a decline in profitability, but also could destabilize monetary system if the problem becomes widespread (OECD, 2003, p13). Therefore, it is important for the financial institutions to ensure implementation and enforcement of sound corporate governance behavior. Before investigating the role that financial institutions in Asia can play in promoting good corporate governance behavior, it is important to examine the normative f ramework in these organizations in the region. Alayannis, et al (2003) noted that families own majority of businesses and organizations in Asia and hence relations with stakeholders is mostly informal. In addition, the region has a wide economic and legal diversity but countries such as China, India, Malaysia, Pakistan and Hong Kong have similar legal structures governing business operations. According to Johnson and Mitton (2003, p51) over 65% of all listed companies in Asia are private and are managed and run by families. The companies have been in existence for several decades and their success is almost fully attributed to the collective efforts of their owners. These business owners have a tendency of forming extensive interconnected networks of subsidiaries and sister companies, which include partially owned and publicly listed companies. Allen and Douglas (2000) argued that investing in the subsidiaries enables investors to put their investments under their chosen management team. In addition investing in the subsidiaries gives the investors an opportunity to put their money in potentially profitable ventures. However, this mode of investment leads to unfair treatment of investors who do not belong to the family that owns the enterprise. Due to the nature of the business proprietorship, the organizations have strong informal relationships between the stakeholders, who are mainly family members or close friends. In China, the state maintains a strong grip on the ownership of financial organizations and some elements of socialist laws are common especially on the firms’ relations with stakeholders (Klapper and Love 2002). To promote good corporate governance behavior in China, Hong Kong and other Asian countries with similar business and legal framework, banks and other institutional investors should enforce credible laws and regulations. Similarly, judicial systems should enhance their expertise and increase capability to arbitrate conflicts perta ining to corporate governance with fairness and efficiency (Holder, et al 2009). Senior management and board of directors of banks and institutions should play a more proactive role in promoting good corporate governance and behavior in Asian countries. In particular, Gregory (2002, p49) argues that â€Å"
Disciplinary Procedures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Disciplinary Procedures - Essay Example To begin with, the procedures offer a framework for conducting investigations to establish the key facts regarding the case or grievances forwarded. The employer, therefore, collects the available evidence through series of hearings and disciplinary meetings. Nevertheless, the procedures dictate that facts ought to be established within a reasonable time after a complaint is forwarded. Secondly, the disciplinary procedures allow the employer to inform formally the employee under investigation about the problem. More so, this should be done in writing with attached pieces of evidence for the purpose of record keeping an avoiding inconsistency (Antcliff & Saundry 2009). Thirdly, the procedures aim at incorporating the views of the employee in the entire process of finding a solution. This is enhanced through hearings in which the employee responds to allegations and asks questions to seek clarification by presented evidence. Furthermore, the discipline procedures give employers the bas ic structure of arriving at decisions. Three major decisions can be made founded on the strength of the evidence presented in the employment tribunal. The employer may decide to write warning letters in case of gross misconduct whose extent may have threatened the operations of the organization. The letter should comprise of the mistakes done and recommended improvements. If the tribunal finds it fit to dismiss the employee, the responsible manager should do so within the legal system of termination of employment.
International Human Resources Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
International Human Resources - Term Paper Example Other international human resource trends include global recruitment, benefits and compensation when an employee falls sick gives birth or is faced with tragedy such may include maternity leave and extended vacations. International human resource trends are activities taken by a company or an organization to make it utilize human resource more effectively (Parry, 2013). These activities are geared towards improving human resource performance through education and training. For any sustainable and competitive business in the international arena, there is need for a competitive educated and skilled workforce. With the internationalization of business, many companies are conducting their business in other countries and this is due to the rising demand of goods in other parts of the world (Parry, 2013). A successful business needs the ability to market products overseas and this has requires the company’s workforce to get the right skills needed for the prosperity of the organizat ion. Such training may require the company to send their workforce to further their business and technical skills in a foreign country, which has better training facilities (Maclean and Wilson, 2009). Further education and training of employees in a foreign country as a global human resource trend has both positive and negative effects to the present and future workforce alike (Vaidya, 2006). Human resource training in a foreign country will mean one has to study not only the technical skills but also the culture of the foreign country. The study of other peoples’ culture will promote interpersonal skills, which is important in the world of business (Unesco and the international social science council, 2010). Accepting other peoples’ culture will promote good relations between the world’s diverse cultures and races hence fostering trade and exploitation of the world’s market. However, further training of employees in foreign countries with better technica l skills has increasingly exposed the employees to racial discrimination and cultural shock (Parry, 2013). This has made the workforce return to their home countries with low-self esteem and ethnocentrism in other countries has made them undermine or denounce their culture as uncivilized. This has greatly reduced their performance in the organization. Training an organization’s employees in a foreign country encourages the mastery foreign languages (Maclean and Wilson, 2009). This will be of benefit to the individual and the organization since language is an important factor in sales and marketing. With globalization, the knowledge of the language of a foreign country in which the organization intends to open its branch promotes understanding between the foreign country and the foreign investor, which is the company in this case (Vaidya, 2006). The experience also makes one familiar with the environment in which the organization may have opened its branches. In some instances , further training of an organization’s workforce in a foreign country has exposed the employees to unfavorable change in climatic conditions (Unesco and the international social council, 2010). The harsh climate has made some of workforce who had travelled to a foreign country for further studies develop health complications such as pneumonia and malaria which has cost the lives of some employees hence making the company lose both the employees and
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Confucianism - a Religion or a Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Confucianism - a Religion or a Philosophy - Essay Example From an analysis of the text and a cursory review of Confucianism, it must be understood by the reader that there are ultimately only three alternatives which could be gleaned: the understanding that Confucianism represents a philosophy but not a religious one, the understanding that Confucianism represents a religious worldview first and foremost within a philosophical interpretation being secondary, and the understanding that Confucianism represents both a religious and an philosophical interpretation. Likewise, it is the belief of this author that the most appropriate interpretation of this particular situation is the first determinant listed above; with the third determinant also being a distant possibility. Seeking to understand such a question may seem as something of an exercise in futility due to the fact that Confucianism is not a widely practiced religion; however, seeking to define what specifically is and what specifically is not a religion is an important aspect of delin eating and defining the current world in which we live. The reason for choosing this first determinant as the most likely case in question is due to the fact that Confucian beliefs do not specify a belief or appreciation for any subset of gods that must be followed or appreciated in order for the individual to attain a degree of benefit, worship or salvation. Whereas other religions make specific claims with regards to what deities must be worshipped and extolled in order for a degree of personal benefit to be generated, Confucianism makes no such claims. Moreover, building upon this is the fact that Confucianism is syncretic; i.e. it builds upon other belief systems and faiths. This is something that few other belief systems can claim and not a single world religion is capable of boasting. This fact, perhaps beyond any of the others which will be discussed, helps to set Confucianism apart and differentiate this as an philosophyal interpretation of the world rather than a strictly r eligious one. Naturally, although the foregoing definition is sound, the fact remains that Confucianism retains key elements of religious dogma with regards to the means by which individuals should integrate with one another and the world around them. Due to the fact that the writings and belief system of Confucianism are concerned primarily with philosophyal and moral interpretations, it is easy to understand why many of the individuals that have researched this particular world view have come to the understanding that philosophyal world view and interpretations of right conduct is a handle that more appropriately defines Confucianism as compared to the blanket and somewhat incorrect handle of religion (Smith 186). Yet, regardless of the interpretation of Confucianism that is made, the fact remains that it retains many of the aspects of a religion so it is also understandable why so many individuals have referred to it as a religion; replete with a holy set of writings/proverbs, a prophet, and a base line of standards and beliefs that are passed down from one generation to the next; from one believer to the next. As such, it is the view of this author that Confucianism is in fact a verifiable â€Å"religion†as it exhorts a set of followers to act and behave in a certain way as a result of constraining and/or defining their lives based upon a certain set of teachings and principles. In such a manner, the definition of religion might not perfectly meld with the fact that Confucianism does not have a â€Å"god†or a particular clergy or any other such hallmarks of other well known religions, it meets
Southwest airline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Southwest airline - Essay Example The aim of this strategy is to be a producer who maintains low costs in production compared to the competitors. It is also more applicable in a market that uses price as the deciding factor (Pearce &Robinson, 2014). The strategic managers of Southwest Airline use this strategy in a way that they strategically select the production and marketing methods that lead to a reduction in cost. They ensure that the airline uses lower cost carriers to control and reduce costs and to ensure that they operate at lower costs compared to the legacy carriers. With the low operation costs, Southwest Airline is able to maintain a large share of the market since it is able to provide efficient services at low costs. Efficient use of this strategy is enhanced by conducting a SWOT analysis that enables the firm to discover the strengths and weaknesses that it possesses as well as the opportunities and threats available in the market. The effectiveness of this strategy also is maintained if the firm is able to maintain the quality of services despite the reduction in cost (Pearce & Robinson,
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Confucianism - a Religion or a Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Confucianism - a Religion or a Philosophy - Essay Example From an analysis of the text and a cursory review of Confucianism, it must be understood by the reader that there are ultimately only three alternatives which could be gleaned: the understanding that Confucianism represents a philosophy but not a religious one, the understanding that Confucianism represents a religious worldview first and foremost within a philosophical interpretation being secondary, and the understanding that Confucianism represents both a religious and an philosophical interpretation. Likewise, it is the belief of this author that the most appropriate interpretation of this particular situation is the first determinant listed above; with the third determinant also being a distant possibility. Seeking to understand such a question may seem as something of an exercise in futility due to the fact that Confucianism is not a widely practiced religion; however, seeking to define what specifically is and what specifically is not a religion is an important aspect of delin eating and defining the current world in which we live. The reason for choosing this first determinant as the most likely case in question is due to the fact that Confucian beliefs do not specify a belief or appreciation for any subset of gods that must be followed or appreciated in order for the individual to attain a degree of benefit, worship or salvation. Whereas other religions make specific claims with regards to what deities must be worshipped and extolled in order for a degree of personal benefit to be generated, Confucianism makes no such claims. Moreover, building upon this is the fact that Confucianism is syncretic; i.e. it builds upon other belief systems and faiths. This is something that few other belief systems can claim and not a single world religion is capable of boasting. This fact, perhaps beyond any of the others which will be discussed, helps to set Confucianism apart and differentiate this as an philosophyal interpretation of the world rather than a strictly r eligious one. Naturally, although the foregoing definition is sound, the fact remains that Confucianism retains key elements of religious dogma with regards to the means by which individuals should integrate with one another and the world around them. Due to the fact that the writings and belief system of Confucianism are concerned primarily with philosophyal and moral interpretations, it is easy to understand why many of the individuals that have researched this particular world view have come to the understanding that philosophyal world view and interpretations of right conduct is a handle that more appropriately defines Confucianism as compared to the blanket and somewhat incorrect handle of religion (Smith 186). Yet, regardless of the interpretation of Confucianism that is made, the fact remains that it retains many of the aspects of a religion so it is also understandable why so many individuals have referred to it as a religion; replete with a holy set of writings/proverbs, a prophet, and a base line of standards and beliefs that are passed down from one generation to the next; from one believer to the next. As such, it is the view of this author that Confucianism is in fact a verifiable â€Å"religion†as it exhorts a set of followers to act and behave in a certain way as a result of constraining and/or defining their lives based upon a certain set of teachings and principles. In such a manner, the definition of religion might not perfectly meld with the fact that Confucianism does not have a â€Å"god†or a particular clergy or any other such hallmarks of other well known religions, it meets
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Economics Trumps Ideology week 3 dissc 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Economics Trumps Ideology week 3 dissc 1 - Essay Example As a result, the Populist movement was launched in 1890s with the aim of resolving the hardships confronted by the peasants and the working class. It was organized to seek financial assistance and to aid the farmers and laborers in improvement of their work activities (Wormser, 2002). The formation of Populist movement was based on economics as the farmers and the working-class faced paucity of finances to run their work operations effectively. This was attributed to the prevalent economic recession in USA in early 19th century, which lowered the revenues, and dragged the farmers and laborers in losses. Thus, it is difficult to separate the economic and ideological principles while defining the Populist movement. This is because the economic concepts of slump and recession and falling prices are explained as a major reason of the problems faced by the working laborers leading to organizing Populist movement. Likewise, the ideology of the working class and the Republican and Democratic parties is emphasized while explaining the tussle between these two classes. James Weaver was the head of the Populist movement or the People’s Party. Initially, the party met with success under his presidency and formed coalitions of white and black laborers against the federal government. This coalition managed to take over the state of North Carolina in 1896, which was an initial victory for the party. However, the success was transitory. The reliance on traditions made it difficult for the members of Populist movement to cope up with the transformations taking place in the business environment. The racial discrimination found between the black and white laborers blocked the chances of success, and ultimately led to failure of the Populists. The role of economics in killing the Populist movement was evident. The financial crisis arising from the racial discrimination between the
Monday, October 14, 2019
Summer Internships And Their Benefits
Summer Internships And Their Benefits Summer Internship is an integral part of the two year full-time Post Graduate Management Course. It can help a student to gain exposure of the industry and apply the knowledge gained in the first year of MBA to the practical scenarios. The internship provides an opportunity to gain the relevant knowledge and skills required in the field as well as add an important element to the resume. Gaining relevant experience through internships, co ops, service learning, or externships and making professional contacts. There are two best things students can do to prepare themselves for getting a job in their field of specialization after college. The main objective has been to find out factors contributing towards improving the quality of Summer Internship Project. It has been observed over the past that not much importance has been given to the projects by students, faculty as well as the industry. Research studies have been done over the same issue and we have considered all these relevant studies to form the basis for our literature review. LITERATURE REVIEW Many have touted college student summer business internships as highly beneficial experiences that facilitate transitioning into the real world of business. Indeed, a recent survey revealed that 92% of business schools had some type of internship experience (Coco, 2000). To justify the high participation rate among business schools, educational professions recognize that internships seem to offer many benefits: (a) internships may help students to find jobs, (b) internships may be stepping stones that can be directly translated into full-time jobs, (c) internships may create satisfying experiences that motivate students to continue along a career path (e.g., Business Internships, 1994; Clark, 2003; Divine, Linrud, Miller, Wilson, 2007), and (d) internships may create realistic expectations about the world of work and help clarify students career intentions. The fundamental question, however, is do these internships actually make a difference? The purpose of this literature review is to analyze the research findings regarding the perception towards summer internships and how beneficial they actually are. FINDINGS ON PERCEPTION TOWARDS SUMMER INTERNSHIPS AND THEIR BENEFITS Enhanced Employability One of the primary benefits of internships for students is that students with internship experience supposedly have an advantage in the job market, which can translate into their being hired more readily for subsequent jobs. Several studies show evidence of this. Knouse, Tanner, and Harris (1999) found that students who had chosen to complete internships were offered jobs more quickly than those who had not opted for internships. The authors raised the question, however, about whether such job offers were due to the internship experience on students resumes or due to students with internships being better students (having higher grade point averages [GPAs]) than students without internships; that is, interning students might be more motivated and more effective in finding jobs faster. At least one study (Taylor, 1988) found that the first explanation seemed to be the important factor. Recruiters rated students whose resumes showed evidence of internship experience higher than they ra ted students who did not have such experience. This advantage of quicker hiring and overall better employability was also found by other researchers (Callanan Benzing, 2004; Gault, Redington, Schlager, 2000; Taylor, 1988). Although internships were linked to career-oriented employment, Callanan and Benzing did not find that internships improved confidence that students would fit well into the job. An interesting corollary benefit of internships is that even if interns were not immediately hired, companies tended to keep them in the employment pool longer than they kept applicants without internships (Roever, 2000). Gault et al. (2000) also found that interns could command higher salaries and experienced higher job satisfaction in their subsequent jobs. Taylor (1988) showed that interns who had greater autonomy in their internships had better employment opportunities. Moreover, Molseed, Alsup, and Voyles (2003) found that employers rated problem-solving experiences as perhaps the key skill set in internships that enhances employability. Additional research has indicated that internships and projects can make students more marketable by helping them develop desired skills, such as critical thinking and written and oral communication, and providing them with the practical experience that many employers seek from new graduates (Maskooki, Rama, Raghunandan, 1998; Perry, 1989; Raymond, McNabb, Matthaei, 1993). Specifically, Raymond et al. showed that the ability of students to apply the knowledge gained in the classroom and to solve problems is essential to employers and is most effectively learned through internships. Additionally, the study found that internships exposed students to ethical issues and global dimensions sometimes not gained through class work. Realistic Expectations of Interns Another supposed perception of internships is learning to create a set of realistic expectations for work in the business world. Interestingly, Hall, Stiles, Kuzma, and Elliott (1996) found that employers were more concerned than students were about creating realistic expectations. Students seemed to focus more on compensation for their internships and parlaying their internships into full-time jobs after graduation. Research by Hall et al. (1996) showed that students and employers differed on many internship expectations, such as appropriate dress, turning internships into permanent jobs, and corollary efforts (e.g., outside reading, oral presentations of experience, and types of grading). Frederickson (2000) found that interns who had accurate perceptions of the organizational culture had more success in their internships. Satisfaction With the Internship Experience Many believe that the essence of successful internship experiences is whether students were satisfied with their internships (Clark, 2003). Results are mixed. Beard and Morton (1999) and Cho (2006) found a high level of satisfaction among students, whereas Perlmutter and Fletcher (1996) noted a high failure rate associated with dissatisfaction. Rothman (2007) found several factors that related to satisfaction with internship experiences: clear tasks, challenging assignments, ongoing feedback, exposure to different parts of the business, and respectful treatment. In addition, Narayanan, Olk, and Fukami (2006) showed that internships were more satisfying when students had a voice in project selection. Moreover, Cook, Parker, and Pettijohn (2004) showed a relatively stable trend of satisfaction with internships over a 10-year period. On the other hand, Bass (2002) found higher job satisfaction among women, especially when internship experiences were congruent with the job. Internship Prerequisites as Predictors of Internship Success Many internship programs require completion of a certain level of course work and attainment of a minimum GPA (Clark, 2003). Interestingly, Beard and Morton (1999) found that prior course work and GPA were less important predictors than were students attitudes toward internships and interning with approved sites. Moreover, Braswell and Cobia (2000) found that career self-efficacy (belief about successful career performance) before internships was the best predictor of an increase in career self-efficacy after internships. From the employers viewpoint, focused selection for internships may be more effective than open-ended offers. For example, Pan American Airways first develops intern projects and ascertains the skill mix needed to complete the projects and only then contacts schools and begins evaluating students, through resumes and interviews, who match the desired skill mix (Solomon, 1985). Mentoring the Intern Several studies have shown that internship experiences were more valuable if the interns were mentored at the work site (Callanan Benzing, 2004, Snyder, 1999). Particularly in international internships, mentors can produce better socialization into the organization, higher levels of learning, and larger numbers of job offers (Feldman, Folks, Turnley, 1999). Indicator of final placements Summer placements indicate how well the final placements will be to a great extent, not only for the second year batch, but for the first year batch also. As an example, the quality and extent of summer placements for the batch of 2010-2012 will become an indicator of the final placements of both the batches of 2009-2011 as well as 2010-2012. The main factor that must be seen here is to convert as many summer internships into PPOs Pre-Placement Offers, as possible. Niraj Arora, placement coordinator of the Institute of Management, Nirma University, Ahmedabad says, Our prime concern is to set the quality standard for the students during the summer internship so that they are converted into PPOs. If the institute is able to secure a decent number of PPOs for a batch, the process of final placements becomes easier, because you have so many fewer students to place that year. It is also a pointer to B-schools to know sectors are likely to generate more jobs in the immediate future. If a company shows an interest in recruiting a larger number of summer interns than usual, we try and build a steady relationship with that company. A higher number of interns usually mean larger upcoming fulltime openings, new projects or products, says Sapna Pokli, Director of IILM Institute for Higher Education, New Delhi. (5 reasons why summer placements are important to b-schools and you by Vasundhara Vyas on 12 November 2010 in summer placements, Summer placements 2010-12) Feedback from the industry Many institutes are setting up advisory boards for their curriculum comprising people from enterprises in order to make the courses germane to the industry needs. The feedback from the corporate where a student completes his/her summer internships is often used an as input for curriculum advancements. Even, the feedback of the company also adds to the students grades and academic assessment.(5 reasons why summer placements are important to b-schools and you by Vasundhara Vyas on 12 November 2010 in summer placements, Summer placements 2010-12) IMPROVEMENTS TO INCREASE EFFECTIVENESS OF INTERNSHIPS The research findings have indicated that internships seem to have several effective benefits overall. Internships apparently do make a difference. Nevertheless, internships can be improved in several ways. * Active student participation in the process. One important variable is active student participation in the process, whether in the form of an active voice in setting up the intern project (Narayanan et al., 2006) or as freedom in carrying out the project (Taylor, 1988). * Active employer participation in the process. The more effective internships seemed to be those in which the employer first defined the project and skill mix needed and then tried to match student skills with project requirements (Narayanan et al., 2006). * Clear expectations. Students who had well-defined programs with clear tasks seemed to perform better than those who participated in open-ended programs with less-defined objectives (Rothman, 2007). * Change prerequisites to reflect the predictors more closely related to intern success. * Clear expectations. Students who had well-defined programs with clear tasks seemed to perform better than those who participated in open-ended programs with less-defined objectives (Rothman, 2007). * Change prerequisites to reflect the predictors more closely related to intern success. The traditional emphasis on completion of a certain number of courses and attainment of a minimum GPA seems less effective at predicting intern success than evaluation of positive attitude about the project and appropriate skill mix to do well on the internship (Beard Morton, 1999). Beard and Morton used an 18-item scale to measure positive attitude and skill mix (e.g., relevant college courses, proactive volunteering, internship treated as real job, attitude toward learning and work, quality of internship supervision, and adapting internship toward interns interests). Measures of career self-efficacy (e.g., confidence that intern will perform well) could also be relevant (Braswell Cobia, 2000). * Build mentoring into the internship program Students who have mentors in their internship programs tend to have better experiences (Callanan Benzing, 2004: Feldman et al., 1999: Snyder, 1999). Mentors can help students navigate the organization and learn valuable skills for their career aspirations. * Keeping a journal. Writing about problem solving and other experiences in internships can provide insights and understanding about careers and organizations (Clark, 2003). Moreover, keeping a journal can reveal how expectations change over the duration of the internship. Keeping a journal is also a technique for developing the insight process (Burke Miller, 1999) and for providing further information about the experience (Alm, 1996). CONCLUSION Our review of the research on the perception of internships shows that the internship is a beneficial activity overall. Employability seems to be enhanced, and interns generally experience both work-related and organizational learning. We found, however, that the internship experience can be improved. We recommend that both students and employers become more actively involved in the process; prerequisites and expectations be made clear; and hands-on activities, such as mentoring and journaling, be included.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Permanent Campaign :: essays research papers fc
'The Permanent Campaign'; was written by Norman J. Ornstein and Amy S. Mitchell. This article appeared first in The World & I, in January 1997. Â Â Â Â Â Norman Ornstein is regarded as one of our nation's foremost experts on Congress. Mr. Ornstein received a Ph.D.. from the University of Michigan, he writes for the NewYork Times, USA Today, Washington Post, and he has a regular column in Roll Call newspaper called 'Congress Inside Out';. Mr. Ornstein is also an election analyst for CBS and appears frequently on television shows including the Today Show, Nightline and the Mac Neil/Lehre News Hour where he has been a consultant and contributor for fifteen years. Â Â Â Â Â Mr. Ornstein is a Resident Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research and is also an advisor and member of the Free TV for Straight Talk coalition. The coalition is a group of 80 leaders from the worlds of politics, corporations, broadcast journalism, the entertainment industry and public interest groups. They support giving political candidates free air time on TV to promote their political views without the media's input. He has authored or co-authored recent books such as How We Can Get Out of It, Debt and Taxes: How America Got Into Its Budget Mess, and Intensive Care: How Congress Shapes Health Policy. Â Â Â Â Â Amy Mitchell is a journalist whom graduated from Georgetown University, she has written may articles concerning government and the media and was a congressional associate at the American Enterprise Institute for four years. She is now the staff director of the Committee of Concerned Journalists. The CCJ is an organization of editors, producers, reporters, and producers whom are concerned with the future of the media. They believe that right now is a crucial moment in American journalism and it is time to sit down and talk about the core principles and function of journalism. Â Â Â Â Â The Article 'The Permanent Campaign'; takes a look at the way the American political system has evolved over the years. When George Washington was president he did not campaign any before he was put in office. When he was in office he only made a few public appearances and when he did he didn't speak a word. During Washington's era political campaigning was considered undignified. Â Â Â Â Â Now the whole philosophy has changed. Before the 1992 election was even over the Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report ran a story on the possible Republican hopefuls for the 1996 campaign. We have gone from a country who denounced campaigning to one in which candidates start campaigning for seats that haven't even been decided in the current elections.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Internet and Education - Internet as Teacher Essay -- Exploratory Ess
The Internet as Teacher  The Internet is here to stay. Whether one lives in a backwoods shack or Silicon Valley, the potential of online communication cannot be ignored. In facing the twenty-first century, a fearless inventory of the role that the World Wide Web will play in global culture must be taken. This "phantom resource," where web sites can shift and vanish like ghosts, should not lend itself to widespread application without careful examination of the specific functions it will be utilized to perform. The Internet is an entity without a master, and censure and discretion on the Web are left to the responsibility of the individual publisher. This means a student searching the vast fields of information that have flowered on-line may find pay dirt or fertilizer. Overzealous use of computers, even in innocence, to ease the burden of solid research in favor of convenience or for the sinister purpose of cutting costs, will reduce learning from a creative process to a point-and-click procedure , effectively diminishing students from social-learners to a cyber-tribe of hunters-and-gatherers relying on the ability of machines and the rote memorization of monitors' displays.  The blank countenance of the computer screen, the faceless teacher, is a frightening prospect of education's on-line future. Information is present as print, yet the medium of transference is missing. The student may be receptive and the information relevant; however, learning takes place not by passive observation but in a dynamic whirlwind of uncertainty and intent. A student enters the classroom to learn, and another human being must provide the nuance, the animation, and the conscious feedback--in short, the simple bi... ...runching ability of a calculator, it would be highly difficult to learn algebra directly from this device. In the same respect, the World Wide Web is not a means to an end. It is not the magnificent force that is the human intellect. The mind is humanity's greatest asset and its refinement is humanity's greatest achievement. The evolution of such a device should not be left to anything less than its equal. The intangibles involved in the shaping and growth of human consciousness--the excitement of sharing knowledge, the drive to communicate in the most effective way, the value of having a person take a personal stake in the education of an individual-- are without parallel. In the complex chemistry of education, the computer is just a tool. The true energy and force is in the experiment itself; the teacher is the catalyst; and the student is the reaction.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Diet and Exercise
Diet and Exercise Hanse Bidon COM/155 – University Composition and Communication I March 14, 2013 Cynthia Jones Diet and exercise Today, my physician informed me that I was significantly overweight and that my health was in jeopardy. Immediately, I stated dieting which included fruits and vegetables while abstaining from starches and sodas. In the course of two weeks, I noticed that I dropped 20 pounds as a result of a result of implementing this diet however I noticed sagging of the skin in certain areas. My weight loss halted and it appeared that I hit a weight plateau.In an attempt to resolve these issues, I started an exercise regimen which included cardio and free weights. Shortly after, I began to see weight loss however my energy and endurance began to slowly dwindle. After consulting with my physician, she encouraged me to combine both diet and exercise, which resulted in me managing my weight, tightening my skin, an increasing my endurance and energy. This process has taught me that weight loss can be achieved by diet and exercise individually, however when the two are combined, it can result in weight loss and weight management.There are advantages and disadvantages when using diet and exercise individually alone when trying to lose weight. These advantages and disadvantages individually can have adverse and favorable effects on your mental health, physical health and wellness. Dieting can be jarring for some people the idea of giving up certain foods to attain weight loss, can be very challenging. For so many people, Dieting is defined as the restraining of certain foods and practices that result in a desired state of mind and physical wellness.This desired state of mind and physical wellness could result in advantages such as weight loss, reduction of chronic diseases, and improved self-esteem. Weight loss as it relates to the advantages of dieting reflects the shedding of unwanted, unhealthy weight which ultimately is how we previously saw o urselves. Once the weight has been shed, we begin to see ourselves through new eyes with confidence and self-worth, which boosts your self – esteem. Not only do you improve yourself image, you improve your health as well.With weight loss, you reduce your chances of developing any chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and some diseases that can be associated with heart disease. Although, some success can be achieved from dieting alone, it also has some disadvantages. Dieting alone for the sake of weight loss has some disadvantages such as fatigue and depression. One of the disadvantages of dieting alone is fatigue; this may occur when the body is trying to adjust to the change in eating habits and the lack of nutrients. You may experience dizziness and you’re tired all the time.These are symptoms of fatigue. A sudden change in eating habits because of a diagnosis can result in a person becoming depression, such as high blood pressure. In additio n to dieting, exercise is another method that is used to lose and manage weight. Exercise, just like dieting has significant advantages if deployed correctly. Some of these advantages involve physical and mental advantages. The physical advantages as it relates to exercises include weight loss, lower blood pressure, and the reduction of severe diseases such as diabetes, and life threatening cancers such as prostate and colon cancers.Another advantage to consistent exercise is the mental advantages; the act of exercising consistently releases a chemical in your body known as endorphins, which ultimately are responsible for stress and anxiety reduction. The endorphins in your body which are released when you exercise allow you to sleep comfortably at night and also work to increase your self-esteem allowing you to feel better about yourself and the progress you’re making. However, over working your muscles can result in more harm than good.Unfortunately, there are noticeable di sadvantages that come with exercise or the lack of proper exercise. These disadvantages come in the forms of improper training or preparation for exercise and the heightened possibility of injury because of lack of preparation. Over Utilizing the use your muscles can cause soreness because of microscopic tears in the muscle tissue. This process is normal however not implementing the right form or cardiovascular training can result in an inevitable state of injury, which can be a direct reflection of an improper training regimen.Overtraining can result in a number of issues such as insufficient amount of sleep, a compromised immune system, energy deficiency, and muscle and joint pain. While separately, exercise and diet provide various advantages and disadvantages, the two when implemented together provided various benefits. These benefits consist of healthier cardiovascular system, stronger bones, and effective weight loss. Any form of walking, swimming, jogging while implementing a low fat diet is a good way to maintain a good cardiovascular system.Another benefit of diet and exercise is the prevention of osteoporosis by incorporating foods rich in vitamin D, calcium such as fish, cheese, yogurt, low fat milk and with strength training. In addition maximum weight loss and management, reduction of the risk of chronic diseases and an improvement in mental health can be achieved when diet and exercise are implemented effectively. As I learned from my own struggles with weight lost, there are no quick fixes.Dieting without exercise will ultimately result in very little weight loss. The disadvantages that exist when you choose to lose weight by dieting only should be considered before eliminating exercise from your weight lost plan. Exercise without dieting will result in some weight loss as well and will help to improve your health, however, the disadvantages of just exercising should be consider before excluding dieting from your weight loss plan.Combine both di et and exercise will allow you to achieve maximum weight loss, weight management, and improve health, can contribute to your mental health in a positive manner, and increased strength in bones. Although there are many diet ads that suggest quick ways to lose weight such as shaking a substance on your food to curve your appetite, drinking shakes, eating cookies, some plans suggesting that you don’t have to change the way you eat to lose weight, and some insisting that just taking a pill, and the weight will fall off. None will replace both exercise and a well balance diet
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Discrimination at workplace based on gender and ethnicity
Imagine being stuck in the same job without proper compensations, or being thrown out of the job one fine day and being replaced by someone, you know hardly measures up to the fine standards you maintain, just because you do not look good, or you have physical ailments, or the other person is a pretty looking female, and you are a male, or simply because you are being replaced by a younger, ‘energetic’ person, whose age replaces your experience and competence.This is a thought that scares millions of workers and professionals as they set out for to earn their daily bread and feed their dependants. The thought that this day may be their last day at work and not due to their own fault can be a thought very scaring indeed. The ‘big boss’ literally rules your life and these are things that must change for the better. Is it fair to judge a person and his professionalism solely on the basis of his colour, age, sex, ethnicity, and sexual tendencies?How does it matt er whether I was born in Africa, India or New York; why should it matter if my skin is black, brown or white; is being 45 years old a crime; why should one be prejudiced against if he/she has feelings for the same sex. In the end it should be the professional competence and the attitude to success that should replace these trivial feelings. Work place discrimination encompasses a spectrum of situations.It may range from sexual discrimination to sexual harassment, even work place bullying. It is pertinent here to define three commonly misinterpreted terms, ‘unlawful discrimination’, ‘unlawful harassment’ and ‘workplace bullying’. As detailed on the Human Rights and Equal Rights Commission (HREOC) website, unlawful discriminations implies a deliberate attempt to sideline a person in favour of others solely because of his age, sex, religion, ethnicity or pregnancy status, and other factors outlined above.Similarly ‘unlawful harassmentâ€℠¢ has been defined in the same website as â€Å"Under federal and state legislation unlawful harassment occurs when someone is made to feel intimidated, insulted or humiliated because of their race, colour, national or ethnic origin; sex; disability; sexual preference; or some other characteristic specified under anti-discrimination or human rights legislation†. Work place bullying relates to â€Å"the repeated less favourable treatment of a person by another or others in the workplace, which may be considered unreasonable and inappropriate workplace practice.It includes behaviour that intimidates, offends, degrades or humiliates a worker†. In the text a more detailed analysis with suitable situations will be mentioned. There should not a ‘wrongful termination’, which is the dismissal of an employee, when he did not deserve it. Workplace discrimination on the basis of gender When a deliberate attempt is made to downgrade a person solely on the basis of gen der, and this goes against the contractual agreement, it constitutes a ground for appeal (Allison & Taylor, Inc). It may be intended directly or indirectly as unintended rules.It may be ‘Disparate Treatment Gender Discrimination’, where a person is treated differently simply because of his gender. An example of this could be a situation where a male employee gets a better pay package than his female counterpart on the unfounded premise that he works more than her. It may be the other way round, that a female secretary gets more leaves from the boss, while her male counterpart is denied any leave. A slightly more complex situation is that of ‘Disparate Impact Gender Discrimination’, where there is has been an unintentional process involved.This can be understood in the context of employment in the armed forces, where though the rules of entry may be the same for both the sexes, yet, for some particular situations, like war, special rules may have been set, s uch that it becomes difficult for female soldiers to qualify. There may be a frank situation of sexual harassment, where promotions are linked to gaining special favors, usually sexual in nature, from the person of opposite sex. As shown in the cine-film,†Disclosure†, where the female boss deliberately denies opportunity to the male professional, because he refused sexual favors.There may be harassment from the same sex, where in the female boss, feeling threatened sexually by the entry of a petite secretary or a colleague, deliberately insults her in front of others, in effect creating a ‘hostile environment’. There is an interesting entity known as ‘Quid Pro Quo Harassment (district attorney . com). This refers quiet simply to trade in terms of sexual favors. In this situation the availability of sex is the prime requisite to continue work. It may also mean, that the job is denied to a suitable candidate, if sexual favors are denied.A hostile enviro nment is one where the employee is challenged mentally and emotionally due to repeated exposure to offensive materials such as crude jokes, pornographic material (HREOC website). This does not allow the employee to settle down to the best of his/ her abilities. Of course, just because offensive language is used, or sexual advances are made, does not qualify simply as workplace discrimination. If such activities are carried out in concert with the said employee, there is no ground for case against the office.A female employee may readily consent to go out on a date with her colleague, but later if she alleges sexual harassment, this does not constitute ground for appeal. These are some situation of unlawful discrimination. There are other situations like prejudice in selecting a particular employee for promotion, or training, or dismissal. A female employee, doing the same work, may be receiving lesser pay. Under the Equal Pay for Equal Act (Safety. com) every person doing similar wo rk should be paid paid equally.An interesting aspect is that strictly speaking sex and gender are considered different by pure semantics (workplacefairness. org). Sex is anatomical identity of the person, while gender refers to how the person perceived himself/ herself. Other spectra of workplace discrimination. Discrimination on the basis of age – in the AARP website, a reference to the Age Discrimination in Employee’s Act (ADEA) is mentioned. According to the law, if discrimination has been done to a person above 40 years of age on the basis of his age, it is illegal.It may be in the form of not being selected for the job inspite of being qualified in favor of a younger person, or it may be denial of promotions on the basis of age. Such a situation may also arise if the older employee is dismissed by the company in favor of a younger person, so that the new employee is paid less. A larger number of Racial discrimination – The colour of the skin of the person, or the company a person keeps, should never constitute grounds for prejudice. Action against someone for dating a person of different culture, constitutes grounds for appeal (www.districtattorney. com).Pregnancy and marriage discrimination- pregnancy is a temporary disability and is considered so (workplacefairness. org). Any discrimination on the above is wrong and punishable by law. If a female employee is treated differently because of her marriage than one who is married, the affected employee is right in taking action against the employer. Discrimination on basis of nation of origin. In the United Stated, only federal reserved jobs can be advertised as â€Å"for US Nationals Only†.Any other job is open for any individual who has gone through the mandatory requirements of the US Government (districtattorney. com) The opposing view Till now we have considered numerous points against the policy if discrimination, but to better understand the complex situation, a point in fa vour may also be taken, and indeed valid arguments may be put up. For example, any firm, be it government or private, has the right to employ the best professionals in order to further its interests.Thus if the company feels, that a person is getting old, and does not enthuse the same enthusiasm as he used to, it may be argued that it is within its rights to employ someone it feels is young and dynamic and ready to face challenges. It thus breeds a feeling of intense competition that brings out the best in the professional, forcing him to work better. This ‘on the edge’ feeling will foster a will to perform better. Hazardous jobs like army, fire fighting service and the police, need tough physical labour and often there is a real threat to the personnel.It is a fact that men are physically better equipped to face these situations. Thus these institutions may feel that by getting only the best for the job, will help important services like the army and police perform the tasks of fighting and security better. Again the company may feel, that a lady who is pregnant, or who has delivered recently, will not be able to give the commitment that is required. Long hours that a company demands, may not be possible fort the lady. Thus this situation can be argued both ways Summary. It is inhuman to deny a human being the opportunity to succeed in life, and prove himself.Thus why it should make a difference that he is black, or white, or he is above forty, especially when the person is qualified for his position, is incomprehensible. No argument is possible to defend someone who denies a job to a woman, just because she is married, or has delivered. Pregnancy is a universal truth, how can society be so cruel. All said and done, work place discrimination is a blot on the very existence of society, and all measures, be it legal, or legislative must be taken to ensure that this does not take place.
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