Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Information Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Data Systems - Essay Example Speaking with branches and workplaces worldwide has never been simpler than now. Buys through online exchanges have expanded in light of the accommodation it offers. The headway in data frameworks has likewise made ready for shifts in media and promoting. More organizations are utilizing the web to publicize their items and administrations. These sorts of special crusades are less exorbitant for organizations and they get moment criticism from clients. An all around created data framework gives a vital upper hand to organizations. Data frameworks assume an indispensable job in business procedures and activities. Data frameworks make it less muddled to deal with various organization information through electronic information handling, exchange preparing, record keeping and bookkeeping applications. Another way data frameworks change business is it streamlines the dynamic procedure of workers and directors. It goes about as a specially appointed help to the dynamic procedure by giving leaders the data they need, when they need it. Data framework proficiency is the â€Å"knowledge and hands-on commonality with equipment, programming, peripherals and system segments regular to most data systems†(WebFinance, Inc., 2013). Then again, PC proficiency is the â€Å"level of recognition with the essential equipment and programming (and now Internet) ideas that permits one to utilize PCs for information section, word handling, spreadsheets, and electronic communicationsâ€
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Writing a Book Report Easy Recipe to Make a Powerful Report
Composing a Book Report Easy Recipe to Make a Powerful Report Most book reports follow a comparable organization, however your instructor will likely diagram what the individual in question anticipates from you. Adhere to those directions first. For extra motivation and thoughts, look at The Lakewood Public Librarys accommodating understudy manual for composing book reports. It covers everything from choosing a book to composing your last draft. Utilize these best 25 book report thoughts to make a genuine perfect work of art. BOOK REPORT IDEAS A Standard Book Report Format 1. The Introduction This section ought to incorporate the title of the book and name of the writer. It will likewise depict the setting and rapidly sum up what the book is about. Dont get excessively point by point here. Its simply the presentation. 2. Body Paragraphs This is the place the genuine substance enters the image. By perusing this piece of your book report (three to four sections), your educator will have the option to decide if you read the book and comprehended the story. Start by portraying the primary characters of the story. At that point, portray the contention. Basic clashes incorporate man versus man, man versus nature and man versus himself. Your book may introduce an alternate sort of contention. Portray it in detail. The remaining body sections ought to sum up the plot and depict how it identifies with the contention. Start with the rising activity, the piece of the story where occasions manufacture. At that point depict the peak, where the story arrives at its generally emotional or intriguing point. The third passage ought to portray the falling activity when the contention or issue is settled. 3. The Conclusion This is a suitable spot to express your genuine belief of the book. What's your opinion of it? Depict its qualities and shortcomings. Okay prescribe it to other people? Why or why not? Keep in mind, a triumphant paper will utilize models from the book to back up remarks. Looking for book report layout? Here is an incredible on beneath. BOOK REPORT TEMPLATE In the event that you have a feeling that you need extra help with creating your book report, don't hesitate to contact any of our custom paper composing experts. is accessible day in and day out to help and guide you through the creative cycle.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Spring Admission Notes #3 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Spring Admission Notes #3 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog The cost of attending SIPA is something that should be treated seriously by all applicants, but especially by those applying for spring admission. The first reason is that SIPA does not have a spring fellowship budget. Our first year fellowship budget is spent entirely on those starting in the fall. All SIPA students qualify to apply for fellowship in the second year, however the application for second year fellowships at SIPA is due at the start of March each academic year. SIPA fellowships for returning students are primarily based on academic performance and at the time the fellowship application is due, those that entered in the spring will not have any SIPA grades. Thus those that started at the fall have a distinct advantage and spring applicants will not have the opportunity to apply for fellowship until the next academic year. Due to the tight time time and nature of our fellowship process, spring applicants are strongly encouraged to have their finances in order in December. Domestic applicants for spring admission should file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible (meaning now). It can take four to six weeks to process the FAFSA and applying now will ensure that your data is in our system as soon as possible. Both domestic and international applicants should become familiar with the cost of attendance and with loan options. Loan information and cost of attendance figures for domestic applicants can be found here (the figures noted are for a full year of attendance so cut in half to get costs for just the spring semester). The cost of attendance is the same for both domestic and international students, however loan options are different. International applicants should click here for loan and financial aid information. It is always wise to pursue outside funding opportunities and we have a database for this purpose. You can access the database here. The more time you put in, the more likely you are to earn funding that may not need to be repaid.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Domestic Violence Intimate Partner Violence - 2915 Words
Domestic Violence: Intimate Partner Violence Healthy People 2020 Intimate partner abuse describes physical, sexual, and psychological harm by a current or former partner or spouse (Fanslow, McMahon, Saltzman, Shelley, 2002). Healthy people 2020 recognizes physical violence among intimate partners as a topic that should be addressed concerning injury and violence prevention in the United States (Healthy People 2020, 2014). Intimate Partner Abuse is an issue that often affects entire families, not just the person that is being abused. Several historical studies attempt to make a connection between intimate partner abuse and homeless. Browne s research showed that 50 percent of the homeless women interviewed were the victims of abuse†¦show more content†¦While women are often the victims of intimate partner abuse, the CDC survey found that men are increasingly reporting abuse (Degutis, Frieden, Spivak, 2010). Approximately 11.2 million men have reported physical or sexual abuse, rape or stalking by a domestic partner (Degutis, Frieden, S pivak, 2010). Intimate partner abuse is a sensitive social topic as well as an important topic with respect to health care and community nursing (Svavarsdottir, 2010). Nurses should be well aware of the signs and symptoms of intimate partner abuse, but its detection can often be difficult. Specific assessment protocols are often useless in detecting abuse because each situation of intimate partner abuse varies (Svavarsdottir, 2010). While identifying victims of physical abuse is difficult, it must be done to implement interventions to assist these victims. Nurses and health care professionals must be prepared to identify these individuals. In addition to identification of victims of intimate partner abuse, healthcare professionals must be diligent in education, which could prevent future incidences of intimate partner abuse. Assessment Intimate Partner Abuse continues to be an issue in communities across America. Using assessment to identify issues is one of the key ways community nurses will help solve this community health issue (Recognizing Domestic Partner Abuse: With its Daunting Complexities, the Path to
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Health Care Systems Compare and Contrast - 793 Words
As a country we are facing currently facing a problem based on health care. Every country has their own way of doing things, but which way makes the most sense? Statistics show that Canada’s health care system is working for them, but will it work for the United States? Ezekial J. Emanuel, Holly Dressel, and together, Karen Davis, Cathy Shoen, Katharine Shea, and Kristine Haran, all address possible solutions to this problem. While Emanuel feels that America’s system is sufficient, Dressel, Davis, Shoen, Shea, and Haran believe there are better options. These authors evaluate the different systems based on quality, cost, and accessibility. Emanuel (2008) believes that the care that is received in a single-payer plan is much poorer than†¦show more content†¦Emanuel, Dressel, Davis, Shoen, Shea, and Haran all have their own opinions, but it is still not clear what system is the most beneficial. Health care in Canada is different than here in the United States, but it is arguable of which country’s system is better. It is also debatable of whether the U.S. can adapt a different system and still be successful. This is a current problem in society and should not be ignored. References Davis, K., Schoen, C., Shea, K., Haran, C. (2008). Aiming High for the U.S. Health System: A Context for Health Reform. Journal of Law, Medicine Ethics, 36(4), 629-643. doi:10.1111/j.1748-720X.2008.00317.x Dressel, Holly. â€Å"Has Canada Got the Cure?†. In Reinking, J Robert Vonderosten (eds). Strategies for Successful Writing (p. 572- 576). Emanuel, Ezekiel J. (2008). â€Å"The Problem with Single-Payer Plans†. In Reinking, J Robert Vonderosten (eds). Strategies for Successful Writing (p. 566-Show MoreRelatedU.s. Health Care System1329 Words  | 6 PagesRunning Head: Compare and Contrast U.S. Healthcare Policy Compare and Contrast U.S. Healthcare Policy Shaquita Jefferson MHA 620 Dr. Rhonda C. Hatfield August 10, 2015 The Canadian system is often considered the model for the U.S. health care system. Both countries health care systems are very different-Canada has a single-payer, mostly publicly-funded system, while the U.S. has a multi-payer, profoundly private system but both countries appear to be similar and suggesting that it mightRead MoreCare Theory Compare Contrast1602 Words  | 7 PagesCare Theory Compare and Contrast Paper Pamela Morales HCS 350 July 11, 2011 Care Theory Compare and Contrast Paper Jean Watson’s Theory of human caring is based on transpersonal relationships and developing a caring environment that offers the development potential while allowing the person to choose the best course of action. Through interactions with others we learn how to recognize ourselves in others. Watson believes that through these interactions humanity is preserved. John Paley’s articleRead MoreWhy Should A Health Information Professional Possess A Fundamental Understanding Of The Law?1432 Words  | 6 Pagesquestions #1 Why should a health information professional possess a fundamental understanding of the law? Because it allows the HIM professional to be consciously aware of the duty and responsibility that he/she has in regards to patient confidentiality, privacy and security. It also allows them to know what the repercussions might be in case they were to break the law. #2 Does a single document or source of law exist where an individual can find all of the rules governing health information? Why or whyRead MoreEssay about C489 Task 31176 Words  | 5 PagesC489 Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership Task 3 Jennifer Gentry Western Governors University A1. Country to compare and A2. Access The country I chose to compare with the United States healthcare system is Japan. Access to healthcare in Japan is fairly easy. Every individual, including the unemployed, children and retirees, is covered by signing up for a health insurance policy. They can obtain insurance either through their work or through a community based insurance. For thoseRead MoreThe Healthcare System Between France And U.s Essay1565 Words  | 7 Pages The Healthcare System Between France and U.S.A: A Comparative Approach for a Better understanding Rida Khlifa University of Central Florida Author Note This paper was prepared for Health Care USA 3111 taught by Professor Yara Asi Abstract This Paper approaches aspects of the US healthcare system in a comparative analysis with the French one. The comparison and contrast analysis touches base with the basic health outcomes and their statistics, including measures suchRead MoreHealthcare Consumerism And Health Care926 Words  | 4 PagesHealth care consumerism positions the consumer at the center of their own health care. Consumers are able to make informed health care decisions and be an essential element of the decision making process. It is a trend and focus of the recent government regulations and standards that reduces the roles of insurance and employers. Health care consumers have direct access to health care services and the ability to make informed decisions. Examples of the movement towards increased education and informationRead MoreUnited States vs South Africa Healthcare1251 Words  | 6 Pagesorder to establish health care insurance for people in different communities. The state contributes about 40% of all the expenditures on health while the public health sector delivers 80% of the population. Many resources are concentrated in the private health sector. These resources see to the health needs of the remaining 20% of the population. Public health consumes around 11% of the government’s total budget. The way the resources are allotted, and the standard of health care delivered, variesRead MoreCompare And Contrast Types Of Managed Healthcare Organizations.1635 Words  | 7 Pages Compare and Contrast Types of Managed Healthcare Organizations MacLeod Ighodalo Norfolk State University Compare and Contrast Types of Managed Healthcare Organizations This paper provides an overview of the healthcare environment and its financing in the U.S. and define acute care and long term care. It addresses three important issues. First, it provides a snapshot of how health care is currently financed in the United States, including the differences and/or similarities betweenRead MoreEssay On Not-For-Profit Healthcare720 Words  | 3 PagesIn this paper, we will compare and contrast the difference between a for-profit and a not-for-profit healthcare system from a financial perspective. Also, this paper will provide examples of both, and the implications of each on the health professionals, the patients, and the insurance companies. The United States is confronting some overwhelming financial difficulties, not the slightest of which is our broken social insurance framework. The U.S. spends about twice as much cash per capita on socialRead MoreGrand Theorists : Theories And Theories Essay1262 Words  | 6 Pages(Meleis, 2012). Grand theo ries are broad in range and consist of a framework for which to practice. Grand theories can be applied to all aspects of nursing and patient care. An example of a grand theory would be Dorothea Orem’s’ Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory. The central aspect of this theory is that all humans want to thrive and care for themselves (Nursing n.d.). Middle-range theories have a more limited scope. The notable difference between grand theories and middle-range theories
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Know What the Experts are Saying About Good Essay Structures Samples
Know What the Experts are Saying About Good Essay Structures Samples The Good Essay Structures Samples Stories You see, the conventions of English essays are somewhat more formulaic than you may think and, in various ways, it can be as easy as counting to five. In conclusion, it would appear that assignment essays continue to get a prominent part in tertiary education as an assessment tool. If you are feeling confident about your essay-writing abilities, you can definitely branch out into longer and more intricate essays. In the long run, however, remember that fantastic writing doesn't happen by accident. Irrespective of your plans after, being a fantastic writer and crystal clear thinker will offer you a leg up your competition. This kind of writing usually requires an increased volume of writing. To acquire more information aside from the outline offered by means of a eulogy sample, there's a thorough eulogy writing kit an individual can consult. Good Essay Structures S amples Options The paragraph should not comprise any sentences that aren't directly associated with the issue set out in the signpost sentence. You don't need to find super technical with legal argumentative essays, but don't forget to do your homework on what the recent laws about your favorite topic actually say. If you've got more information to share, you can include as many as five body paragraphs. The evidence should directly relate to the claim to provide a great stream of ideas in the subject. You may use the samples as a foundation for working out how to write in the right style. In any event, your essay is going to have the exact same standard format and structure. There's a need to pay attention to the essays with good structure to have a vast variety of academic structures for task 1. You'll observe a similar structure in a number of the essays. Needless to say, you aren't confined to write just the way other samples outline, but it an excellent way to kick star t your learning approach. You should also incorporate something about the method you are likely to use. There are lots of ways to compose an introduction. Actually, if you're only needed to compose a particular number of pages, that would be an outrageously straightforward job. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Good Essay Structures Samples Writing a prosperous paper isn't as automatic as you could think, therefore, it requires some vital considerations. Essay introduction is your roadmap for the full essay. Structure also enables you to keep your thoughts organized. Essay structure permits you to align your ideas and ideas logically, making them readable and simple to comprehend. If you're structuring an essay that's presenting an argument, then you need to start out with a thesis statement. The previous sentence provides the reply to the essay question. The subsequent two or three paragraph should have the essay body. Before you even begin writing the content of your college essay, there are a few essay writing basic guide that you need to always bear in mind. Two new essay options are added, and a number of the previous questions are revised. Ideally, whoever is reading your essay ought to be able to tell from each individual paragraph precisely what the question is and the way you're structuring your argument. Bridget's essay is extremely strong, but there continue to be a couple little things that could be made better. Stephen's essay is quite effective. Before you commence writing your college essay, you might need to see the essay examplesA that we've listed for you, so that you may have more idea on what things to put in the college essay which you will create. State the position you're interested in, and why you would like to fill it. So far as essay structure goes, a 4 or 5 paragraph essay based on the number of points you may want to argue is a great start. It's important to select debatable argumentative essay topics since you need opposing points that you are able to counter to your own points.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Effective Practices In Childhood Education -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Effective Practices In Childhood Education? Answer: Introduction According to the Government of UK (2017), The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets the standards of learning, care and development of children from 0 to 5 years. The main areas of learning that has been highlight by the EYFS include language andcommunication development, physical development, literacy, social, personal and emotional development, creative skills in mathematics, a proper understanding about the concept of the world and growing skills in expressive arts and design. Proper development of all these skills as mentioned under the banner of EYFS promotes creative thinking capability of the child. According to the reports published by Davies et al. (2013), creative thought process, creative problem-solving skills, thinking in a creative manner, the art of creative learning and the possibility of thinking in an innovative or creative approach belong to the general category of creative thinking skills. This creative thinking skills have both practical and cognitive elements . Creative thinking or creativity in thinking helps in the generation of new ideas among the children. It also helps them to find and discover new and innovative ways of doing things while giving the children confidence and motivation to take risks (Wang, 2012). In the Montessori training approach, creative thinking is promoted via focusing on the childs individuals need. This focus on the individual need is done via seeding optimised environment and this optimised environment help in promoting the creative thinking skills of the child (Craft, McConnon Matthews, 2012). According to Davies et al. (2013), there are reasonable evidences across numerous studies that taking students outside of their class rooms and working with them in an outdoor set-up can foster creative development. This outdoor set-up must be favourable for the children. The reason behind this is associated with the ownership and collaboration. Research carried by Bancroft et al. (2008), elucidated that taking an initia l walk, whether in a rural or urban settings can provide an enriched context for the purpose of elucidating a childs schemas along with interest on which the Montessori teacher can build to increase their creativity. Other activities which are found increasing the creative thinking ability of a child include creative utilization of the red rods for designing of the Christmas tree help in the sensorial development in child which in turn promotes creative thinking ability. Plastic colorful building blocks use to make a ridge or building also promotes the creative view point of a child. According to the reports published by Verdine et al. (2014), interlocking block construction promotes spatial assembly skills in children which have a significant impact not only on the creative thinking skills but also on the mathematical skills. Other specific areas of aspect of creative curriculum which are undertaken by Montessori teacher to promote the creative development include movement and dance, music, visual art, imaginative role and taking part in drama. This cumulative activity promotes the development of gross motor skills, sustained thinking and thereby promoting towards creative thinking (Bredekamp, 2016). This concept of sustained shared thinking is proposed by Siraj Blachford. According to him, sustained shared thinking promotes the development of the brain which enables the children to develop innovative ideas thereby helping them to increase their horizon of knowledge (Craft, McConnon Matthews, 2012). The importance of Montessori in assisting the creative skill development of the children lies in the fact that Montessori talks a lot about the trust between the children and teachers and this trust help in the generation creative thinking skills among the children via gaining a confidence in them that they can take risk (Bredekamp, 2016). The Montessori teacher also track the progress of the creative thinking of the children thus taking a critical review of the skill development process as per the EYFS guidelines stated by the Government of UK. The main role of the Montessori teacher while assisting a child towards the development of creativity is to first create a positive environment based on the age band of the child is will be followed by open ended question allowing the freedom fo speech. This freedom of speech will help the child to gain proficiency in language and communication thus satisfying the goals of EYFS. The development of language and communication power further helps in the development of expressive language, imaginary language and sharing of creative ideas. Apart from freedom of speech, the educator will also be responsible to provide the child with suitable tools which will aid in creative development and sustained shared thinking. However, these tools need to be creative and fresh (Bredekamp, 2016). Creativity also supports various other aspects of a childs development. Gross motor skill is one of main domain of development that is shaped up along with the training for the creative skills. Creative activity which assists in the development of the gross motor skills include ribbon painting, dancing along the music, painting with wheels and playing imaginary roles(PeetHartwick, 2015). This development of the gross motor skills in turn help in the overall promotion of the physical development via generating proper hand eye co-ordination, development of sensory motor skills and fine motor skills. Other aspects of the EYFS that are covered under the banner of creative thinking skills of a child is the development of cognitive thinking ability along with social and emotional development (Peet Hartwick, 2015). The cognitive ability increases the problem solving skills and thereby aiding towards the development of creative thinking. Social and emotional development helps the child to c onnect with the environment leading to productive interaction and thus helping in the development of creativity. This social and emotional development aid the child to work on their self-esteem and thereby helping to gain confidence towards positive interaction (Bridges, 2017). Thus from the above discussion it can be concluded that the main areas of learning which are highlight by the EYFS is comprehensively covered via promotion of the creative thinking ability of the child under the controlled supervision of an educator. References Bancroft, S., Fawcett, M., Hay, P. (2008). Researching children researching the world: 5 5 5 = creativity. Trentham: Stoke-on-Trent Bredekamp, S. (2016).Effective practices in early childhood education: Building a foundation. Boston: Pearson. Bridges, K. M. B. (2017).The social and emotional development of the pre-school child.Routledge. Craft, A., McConnon, L., Matthews, A. (2012). Child-initiated play and professional creativity: Enabling four-year-olds possibility thinking.Thinking Skills and Creativity,7(1), 48-61. Davies, D., Jindal-Snape, D., Collier, C., Digby, R., Hay, P., Howe, A. (2013). Creative learning environments in educationA systematic literature review.Thinking Skills and Creativity,8, 80-91. Government of UK (2017).Early Years Foundation Stage. England Retrieved from: Peet, R., Hartwick, E. (2015).Theories of development: Contentions, arguments, alternatives. Guilford Publications. Verdine, B. N., Golinkoff, R. M., Hirsh?Pasek, K., Newcombe, N. S., Filipowicz, A. T., Chang, A. (2014). Deconstructing building blocks: Preschoolers' spatial assembly performance relates to early mathematical skills.Child development,85(3), 1062-1076. Wang, A. Y. (2012). Exploring the relationship of creative thinking to reading and writing.Thinking Skills and Creativity,7(1), 38-47.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Globalization Argument of Anna Tsing
Anna Tsing has defined globalization as a way of interaction among the people, organizations, as well as arms of different nations. The process of globalization is activated by commerce, various types of investments, and information technology among others.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Globalization Argument of Anna Tsing specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On the other hand, the impacts of globalization are widely felt on the environment, cultural practices, political aspects, and in the advancements of the economies globally (Appadurai, 32). Moreover, the welfare of the human beings also depends greatly on the globalization. This essay will be focusing on the argument of Anna Tsing on globalization with regard to economic industry. Globalization is believed to be in existence for thousands of years. People in the past were interacting in trade by buying and selling to each other at great distances. Later, the c orporations as well started investing in different nations at different levels. The cross border interaction through trade and investments has resulted to policy and technological advancements in the past few years (Tsing 345). This type of advancement has enabled the world to enter into a new level of economic development. The trade interaction among different nations has increased by 20 times since late 1950s to current times. The current globalization in the economy is positively defined as it is faster compared to the past, it has cheaper expenses, its effects are running deeper, and its going farther compared to the globalization of some decades ago. Various flows of the current globalization have come up with strategies of operating economies both inside and outside the countries. This has been made possible through different governments exercising free market methods of economy. The free market economic system has resulted to increased productivity and the provision of new bu siness opportunities where investments can be practiced. The current globalization has created a path for governments to negotiate the changes of various barriers to commerce (Appadurai 89). Through these paths of negotiations, several international treaties have been made for advancing the commerce of goods and services, as well as different ways of doing investment. Through the idea of creating opportunities in outside markets, several organizations have managed to establish foreign industries whereby both the production and trade of the final goods and services is managed by their foreign counterparts. The globalization definition by Anna Tsing of being plural is manifested by its diverse nature of encompassing various disciplines.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The economy sector of any nation has so far made a great positive move through the advancements of the informa tion and technology which is one of the major drivers of globalization. The different arms of economy such as consumers of goods and services, different types of investors, and the traders have been empowered by the advanced information and technology to utilize the upcoming business opportunities (Tsing 333). These economic actors are able to make more informed decisions concerning the prevailing trends of the economy globally, through the help of the advanced information and technology. The process of shifting assets is understood better by these actors better and is done faster through collaboration with the right partners. The diversity of globalization has proofed to improve the standards of living of the underdeveloped countries together with their citizens economically (Appadurai 124). Though globalization is associated with both benefits and costs, analysis shows that the benefits are outweighing the costs and such it should be adopted by the majority as part of the developm ents. The opponents of globalization try to claim that the issue of free market is of being of benefits to the western world at the expense of the underdeveloped and the developing worlds. Works Cited Appadurai Arjun. Globalization. Minneapolis: University Press, 2001. Tsing Anna. â€Å"Global Situation†. Cultural Anthropology volume 15, issue3, pages 327-360, August 2000.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Globalization Argument of Anna Tsing specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This essay on Globalization Argument of Anna Tsing was written and submitted by user AdamWarlock to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Thursday, February 20, 2020
24-Hours of Listening Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
24-Hours of Listening - Essay Example Throughout the rest of the day I recorded every instance of music I heard. The following constitute a journal and reflection on my observations. As I made my way to the living room and plopped down on the couch I turned on the television. Immediately a commercial came on for a free credit report. There was a band singing a song where the harmony was ‘free credit report dot com dot com’. I noted this music in a journal for the day, as well as the two sounds I heard while still in bed. The following commercial, however, also had a song; the commercial following this commercial had another song; finally, the television show credit sequence came on and another song was running. I noted all three of these instances of music down, recognizing that tracking all instances of music during the day might be more challenging than I originally imagined. I turned the television on after a few minutes and got ready to leave for the day. As I walked outside of my apartment and onto the sidewalk two children were dancing and singing. They jumped in and out of a chalk circle, singing each time they did it. After passing the children outside I walked to my car and got in. I turned on the radio immediately and a listened to a number of songs on my way to the library. Carly Rae’s ‘Call Me Maybe’ played, then a song with the chorus ‘never never getting back together’, and then a Katy Perry song. There were a few other songs that played in the meantime. For a moment I reflected on the reason so many people listen to songs in the car. Undoubtedly they provide a calming effect. Still, I considered that in many ways they unite people. Each song expresses a certain emotion or perspective on the world and that in relating to that song the individual is engaging in a communal action. While all the cars on the road are separated by metal, glass and noise, all the drivers can
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
A Consultant's Report - Written on a fictitious Bank Essay
A Consultant's Report - Written on a fictitious Bank - Essay Example It was found that only one project for development was being investigated by the XYZ Bank. The other two major projects requiring investigation were pending for the routine board decision to be taken. There is an investigation mechanism which needs to be followed by the XYZ Bank. As per the mechanism process, the bank is supposed to investigate whether the development project funded by it is harming the interests of the local communities where the project is going to take place. The XYZ Bank has made a declaration of the same intent that it will disclose all relevant information to bring transparency in its operations for accountability purpose. P&P Consulting found that there was lack of transparency in the functioning of the XYZ Bank; no timelines were fixed to finish investigations. Stakeholders were worried over the slow process of investigation. P&P Consulting saw an opportunity in the said case knowing the crucial role that the bank was supposed to play in the lives of people w ho had to vacate the adjoining lands, and requested compensation. P&P Consulting found flaws in the systems of working calling immediate attention of the concerned stakeholders – the Bank’s President and Board of Directors. Steps taken included: P&P Consulting found that three claims were pending decision by the XYZ Bank. Claim for Golf Link project had been pending for the last seven years, awaiting decision. Rests of the two cases are fresh claims filed with the bank. These cases will test the current operational mechanism of the bank and we are not optimistic that the bank will pass the test. The Golf Links claim describes both the transparency and the timing issues. The affected people contacted the bank requesting an inquiry on August 11th, 2002. Yet, the inquiry was not ordered until July 2004, about two years late when the request for it was filed with the bank. The limit was crossed by not responding back to the claimants about what
Monday, January 27, 2020
Bio-based Polymers and Their Future Trends: Article Review
Bio-based Polymers and Their Future Trends: Article Review The selected article, Current progress on bio-based polymers and their future trends[1], provides insight into the present tendencies, technological advancements, and the prospective utilisation of bio-based polymers obtained with renewable means. A wide domain of bio-based polymers are analysed in this article specifically focusing on its production, its characteristics and its potential in commercialisation. The review also measures the subsequent challenges whilst introducing these polymers for appliance. Consequently, the analysis of the review article pertains generally to specialists such as scientists possessing a background knowledge of bio-based polymers, to entrepreneurs who intend to commercialise these bio-based polymers due to their increase in allure as a renewable and environmentally friendly product and perhaps to enthusiasts. Part of this reasoning is due to the extensive use of chemical jargon and its passive and scientific articulation. Subsequently, the review art icle was difficult to comprehend as a scientifically sound reader. The discipline ideally suited for the review article is a combination of organic chemistry, polymer chemistry. Organic chemistry and polymer chemistry are both a chemistry subdiscipline where the former deals with the study of organic materials[2], matter formed with carbon atoms, and where the latter deals with the study of synthetic polymers[3]. The article examines the bio-based polymers, hence falling into the categories of organic chemistry and polymer chemistry. Additional disciplines can be related to this article but may seem ambiguous such as materials science which briefly covers the study of polymers[4] and industrial engineering[5] which examines the cost effectiveness of the production of these bio-based polymers. Therefore, article should be categorised as a discipline of organic chemistry as it focuses on bio-based polymers. The association concerning the discipline of organic chemistry and the review article from the journal Progress in Biomaterials relates thoroughly within. As stated in the description[6], this journal examines the preparation and characteristics of biomaterials in vitro and in vivo and assesses its compatibility in areas such as tissue engineering, drug delivery and implants and regenerative medicine. The editorial board regarding this journal is of an international standard where people from universities universally gather in order to publish and review this journal. Hence this journal is open accessed and peer reviewed published under the SpringerOpen brand and also approved by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, obtaining a high credible standard[7]. The journal, published by one of the many leading academic services[8], is therefore associated with the discipline of organic and polymer chemistry. The purpose of the review is to assess a variety of bio-based polymers of their production, characteristics, their effective future applications in our society and its difficulties. The review article investigates and assesses as much as ten bio-based polymers, each with diverse scrutinies, and therefore cellulose[9] will be briefly discussed as an example of what is reported as it is also associated with the primary article[10] that will be compared from the review articled. In this review article, cellulose, reported to be one of the largest bio-based polymer produced[11], is attained through the two methods: sulfite and pre-hydrolysis kraft pulping and has a ninety seven percent purity rate[12]. Cellulose is a rigid polymer and is highly tensile relative to other bio-based polymers. This causes processing problems and therefore is plasticised, mixing itself with other polymers, to soften itself for ease of use[13]. Subsequently, there are three main branches of which cellulosoic p olymers are classified under after chemical modification for applications: cellulose esters, cellulose ethers and regenerated cellulose. Each of these have difference uses: cellulose esters are mainly utilised for film and fiber, cellulose ethers are used in food and personal care and regenerated cellulose are used for disposables, textiles and fabrics[14]. The main drawback to the production of this renewable source is the low yields compared to its high expense.[15] The immense amount of professional research expressed into this review article accounts for the 159 references. Many of these references are primary articles which are peer reviewed whilst there are also some that are also review articles. Most of these references are linked to reputable academic services such as Oxford Academic and Science Direct. The sources of the review article are generally recent as most of them are from the 21st Century. The selected primary article, Cellulose Extraction from Palm Kernel Cake Using Liquid Phase Oxidation[16], is an experimental report that investigates the production of cellulose via its extraction from palm kernel cake with the method of liquid phase oxidation. Specifically this primary article highlights the optimization of this process where the yield of cellulose would increase as a variable changed such as the ration of hydrogen peroxide and the hot water treatment. As a result a theoretical optimal point was discovered. The investigations of this primary article is significant to the review article as it contributes through the production of cellulose, one of the many bio-based polymers discussed in the review article. This helps the audience to understand how cellulose is produced, providing insight on its benefits and drawbacks. While both articles relate to cellulose, the nature and purpose can be distinguishable. The primary article contains experimental data and methods which aimed to optimise the yield of cellulose whereas the review article aimed to provide information to an audience, gathering its data from a variety of sources. Reference List Babu, R.P., OConnor, K. Seeram, R. Babu et al.: Current progress on bio-based polymers and their future trends. Progress in Biomaterials 2013 2:8, accessed 22 March 2017,> Farm Yan Yan, Duduku Krishniah, Mariani Rajin, Awang Bono. Cellulose Extraction from Palm Kernel Cake Using Liquid Phase Oxidation. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 2009, accessed 25 March 2017,> [1] Babu, R.P., OConnor, K. Seeram, R. 2013 [2] ACS, Chemistry for Life, accessed 25 March 2017, [3] ACS, Chemistry for Life, accessed 25 March 2017, [4] Merriam-Webster, accessed 25 March 2017, [5] Oregon state University, accessed 25 March 2017, [6] Springer Link, accessed 25 March 2017, [7] Springer, accessed 25 March 2017, [8] Springer, accessed 25 March 2017 [9] Babu, R.P., OConnor, K. Seeram, R. 2013 [10] Journal of Engineerring Science and Technology, accessed 25 March 2017 [11] Farm Yan Yan, Duduku Krishniah, Mariani Rajin, Awang Bono. 2009. Sec. 1 Para. 1 [12] Babu, R.P., OConnor, K. Seeram, R. 2013 Page 9 Para.1 [13] Babu, R.P., OConnor, K. Seeram, R. 2013 Page 9 Para 2 [14] Babu, R.P., OConnor, K. Seeram, R. 2013 Page 9 Para 3 [15] Babu, R.P., OConnor, K. Seeram, R. 2013 Page 10 Para 1 [16] Farm Yan Yan, Duduku Krishniah, Mariani Rajin, Awang Bono Sec.4 Para.1
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Daimon and Anti-Self Concepts in Per Amica Silentia Lunae by William Yeats :: Per Amica Silentia Lunae William Yeats Essays
The Daimon and Anti-Self Concepts in Per Amica Silentia Lunae by William Yeats In July of 1914 Yeats began communicating during seances with a spirit which he called his "daimon," one Leo Africanus, a Renaissance geographer and traveller. At Leo's request, through the voice of the medium, Yeats began a written correspondence in which he would write questions and observations to Leo, and Leo would answer through Yeats's hand. This correspondence would prove influential in Yeats's evolving concept of the sources of artistic inspiration as emanating from the interaction between the physical and the spiritual worlds. This paper will explore the growth of the daimon concept out of Yeats's divided-self theory during his correspondence with Leo Africanus and then its explication in the 1917 Per Amica Silentia Lunae. Background From the beginning of his literary career Yeats, like many authors in this age of a dawning awareness of modern psychology and concept of the sub-conscious, had been fascinated with the concept of an divided self or anti-self or a self which is covered by a mask or "pose." In these early John Sherman stories, the the dreamy, unsophisticated John Sherman is tempted by the elegant, citified, and High Church Rev. William Howard. In the Rosa Alchemica stories of 1897, we are introduced to two characters who will remain staples of Yeats's oeuvre: the pious, conventional John Aherne who is "educated" and tempted by the mysterious Michael Robartes, with his secrets of the "Order of the Alchemical Rose." In On Baile's Strand (1904) the instinctive, active warrior Cuchulain struggles against the wiles of the crafty, domesticated ruler Conchubar. By the 1900's, Yeats is using the metaphor of the mask to portray this dichotomy in man. "The mask," Richard Ellmann says, "had come to occupy in his system during the first decade of this century the position which the rose had held in it during the 'nineties" (190). In 1907 he begins The Player Queen, in which each character seeks an antithetical self, and he introduces it with the explicit song "The Mask." Whatever exactly "the mask" is--an alter-ego, a heroic ideal, a protective shield--it is a metaphor for an internal struggle, a psychological process. The next step would be to give this process more cosmic implications by making the struggle involve an outside force, a representative from the "spirit world" who could put one in contact with the "beyond." This would happen when Yeats discovered his Daimon. The Daimon and Anti-Self Concepts in Per Amica Silentia Lunae by William Yeats :: Per Amica Silentia Lunae William Yeats Essays The Daimon and Anti-Self Concepts in Per Amica Silentia Lunae by William Yeats In July of 1914 Yeats began communicating during seances with a spirit which he called his "daimon," one Leo Africanus, a Renaissance geographer and traveller. At Leo's request, through the voice of the medium, Yeats began a written correspondence in which he would write questions and observations to Leo, and Leo would answer through Yeats's hand. This correspondence would prove influential in Yeats's evolving concept of the sources of artistic inspiration as emanating from the interaction between the physical and the spiritual worlds. This paper will explore the growth of the daimon concept out of Yeats's divided-self theory during his correspondence with Leo Africanus and then its explication in the 1917 Per Amica Silentia Lunae. Background From the beginning of his literary career Yeats, like many authors in this age of a dawning awareness of modern psychology and concept of the sub-conscious, had been fascinated with the concept of an divided self or anti-self or a self which is covered by a mask or "pose." In these early John Sherman stories, the the dreamy, unsophisticated John Sherman is tempted by the elegant, citified, and High Church Rev. William Howard. In the Rosa Alchemica stories of 1897, we are introduced to two characters who will remain staples of Yeats's oeuvre: the pious, conventional John Aherne who is "educated" and tempted by the mysterious Michael Robartes, with his secrets of the "Order of the Alchemical Rose." In On Baile's Strand (1904) the instinctive, active warrior Cuchulain struggles against the wiles of the crafty, domesticated ruler Conchubar. By the 1900's, Yeats is using the metaphor of the mask to portray this dichotomy in man. "The mask," Richard Ellmann says, "had come to occupy in his system during the first decade of this century the position which the rose had held in it during the 'nineties" (190). In 1907 he begins The Player Queen, in which each character seeks an antithetical self, and he introduces it with the explicit song "The Mask." Whatever exactly "the mask" is--an alter-ego, a heroic ideal, a protective shield--it is a metaphor for an internal struggle, a psychological process. The next step would be to give this process more cosmic implications by making the struggle involve an outside force, a representative from the "spirit world" who could put one in contact with the "beyond." This would happen when Yeats discovered his Daimon.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Example of a Synopsis
We decided that the best way to impact our community was to change the way people think thus changing their reality. The Powerpuff girls project was situated at the Amani Na Wema Children Home. Our chosen topic was to give the same leadership seminar we received from Mrs Ogalla in a manner in which they could understand. We taught kids between the ages of 10 and 15 years of age. This was so as to equip them with the tools they required to brighten their future. In our first session we taught them about goal setting, planning and teamwork. In our second session we taught them about Comfort zones, Excuses and doing a vision board In our third session we taught them about Accepting feedback and Doing their best. In our last session we asked them to give us back what we taught them in a creative way. We then threw a party as a farewell gift to them. We experienced several challenges one of them being that we were unable to teach them during the holidays. Furthermore it was difficult to find a convenient time for all of us to meet and discuss our content for each session. Despite all the challenges we managed to pull through as a team and get the work done. Through these challenges we have learnt invaluable lessons by putting into practice our leadership skills. In conclusion the project has opened our eyes to the need to change and develop our society by developing their ‘Software’ that is changing how they think.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Birmingham Jail Letter Essay - 4668 Words
Editor s Note: From the Birmingham jail, where he was imprisoned for a nonviolent demonstration against segregation, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote in longhand this letter to respond to a public statement of concern and caution issued by eight white religious leaders of the South. King, who was born in 1929, did his undergraduate work at Morehouse College and attended the integrated Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania, where he was one of six black pupils among 100 students, and served as the president of his class. He won a fellowship to Boston University for his Ph.D. While confined here in the Birmingham city jail, I came across your recent statement calling our present activities unwise and untimely. Seldom, if†¦show more content†¦Injustice Anywhere Is A Threat To Justice Everywhere Moreover, I am aware of how all communities and states are connected to one another and I cannot sit idly by in Atlanta watching what is happening in Birmingham. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere, because we are tied together in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one, directly affects all. Never again can we afford to live with the narrow view of the outsider, since anyone who lives inside the United States can never be seen as an outsider. You hate the demonstrations that are presently taking place in Birmingham, but I am sorry that your statement did not express a similar concern for the conditions that brought the demonstrations here. I am sure that each of you would want to go beyond the effects and find the underlying causes. I would agree it is unfortunate that these demonstrations are taking place in Birmingham at this time, but I would say more clearly that it is even more unfortunate that the white people in control of this city left the Negro community with no other alternative. In any nonviolent action there are four basic steps: collection of facts to find injustices, negotiation, self-purificationShow MoreRelatedLetter From Birmingham Jail Essay Essay1451 Words  | 6 PagesZhuo Liu Lauren Sassenoff English 1P-5 25 September 2016 Letter from Birmingham Jail Essay In 1963 Martin Luther King Jr. wrote a letter while incarcerated in Birmingham jail to eight clergymen in response to their letter known as â€Å"A Call for Unity.† The letter asked for the stop of direct action type protest in Birmingham, Alabama that Martin Luther King was leading.  The letter has become known as one of the greatest works of argument in American history. Part of the reason for the letter’sRead MoreEssay on A Letter From a Birmingham Jail717 Words  | 3 PagesA Letter From a Birmingham Jail In Martin Luther King, Jr.s Letter from a Birmingham Jail, his thoughts and ideas are directly stated, well expressed, explained, and illustrated. 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His peaceful but firm letter serves as a remarkably persuasive voice to an immensely chaotic mess, and is seen as a major turning pointRead More Letters from a Birmingham Jail Essay1534 Words  | 7 PagesLetters from a Birmingham Jail Aristotle is a very citable man when it comes to the way we think today. His rhetoric techniques are still being used in todays society. The Neo-Aristotelian Criticism is three different appeals of persuasion. This is ethos, pathos and logos, which makes one heck of a convincing argument. Ethos gives credibility, pathos shows emotion and logos uses words. In the text, Letter from Birmingham Jail, we find many examples of the criticism. Martin Luther King Jr.Read MoreLetter from Birmingham Jail Analysis Essay942 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Letter From Birmingham Jail†Martin Luther King Jr. wrote the â€Å"Letter from a Birmingham Jail,†after an unjust proposal made by eight white clergymen. 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Dr. Kings letter was a success becauseRead More Martin Luther Kings Letter from Birmingham Jail Essay1241 Words  | 5 PagesRhetorical Analysis of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s Letter from Birmingham Jail In his essay Letter from Birmingham Jail, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. disproves the assumptions of people that believe racism is acceptable when he compares the maltreatment of blacks to the inhumane treatment of the Jews by Hitler. King establishes a relationship with his audience by connecting on a level that is larger than the exploitation of African Americans rights. He forces his readers to think aboutRead MoreSummary of Letters from Birmingham Jail Essay777 Words  | 4 PagesHelal Ahmed Professor Smith English 125 October 6, 2010 Summary of M.L.K.’s Letters from Bringham Jail          Martin Luther King Jrs â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail†was written during his 8 day sentence in jail in 1963. 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