Sunday, May 24, 2020
Domestic Violence Intimate Partner Violence - 2915 Words
Domestic Violence: Intimate Partner Violence Healthy People 2020 Intimate partner abuse describes physical, sexual, and psychological harm by a current or former partner or spouse (Fanslow, McMahon, Saltzman, Shelley, 2002). Healthy people 2020 recognizes physical violence among intimate partners as a topic that should be addressed concerning injury and violence prevention in the United States (Healthy People 2020, 2014). Intimate Partner Abuse is an issue that often affects entire families, not just the person that is being abused. Several historical studies attempt to make a connection between intimate partner abuse and homeless. Browne s research showed that 50 percent of the homeless women interviewed were the victims of abuse†¦show more content†¦While women are often the victims of intimate partner abuse, the CDC survey found that men are increasingly reporting abuse (Degutis, Frieden, Spivak, 2010). Approximately 11.2 million men have reported physical or sexual abuse, rape or stalking by a domestic partner (Degutis, Frieden, S pivak, 2010). Intimate partner abuse is a sensitive social topic as well as an important topic with respect to health care and community nursing (Svavarsdottir, 2010). Nurses should be well aware of the signs and symptoms of intimate partner abuse, but its detection can often be difficult. Specific assessment protocols are often useless in detecting abuse because each situation of intimate partner abuse varies (Svavarsdottir, 2010). While identifying victims of physical abuse is difficult, it must be done to implement interventions to assist these victims. Nurses and health care professionals must be prepared to identify these individuals. In addition to identification of victims of intimate partner abuse, healthcare professionals must be diligent in education, which could prevent future incidences of intimate partner abuse. Assessment Intimate Partner Abuse continues to be an issue in communities across America. Using assessment to identify issues is one of the key ways community nurses will help solve this community health issue (Recognizing Domestic Partner Abuse: With its Daunting Complexities, the Path to
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Health Care Systems Compare and Contrast - 793 Words
As a country we are facing currently facing a problem based on health care. Every country has their own way of doing things, but which way makes the most sense? Statistics show that Canada’s health care system is working for them, but will it work for the United States? Ezekial J. Emanuel, Holly Dressel, and together, Karen Davis, Cathy Shoen, Katharine Shea, and Kristine Haran, all address possible solutions to this problem. While Emanuel feels that America’s system is sufficient, Dressel, Davis, Shoen, Shea, and Haran believe there are better options. These authors evaluate the different systems based on quality, cost, and accessibility. Emanuel (2008) believes that the care that is received in a single-payer plan is much poorer than†¦show more content†¦Emanuel, Dressel, Davis, Shoen, Shea, and Haran all have their own opinions, but it is still not clear what system is the most beneficial. Health care in Canada is different than here in the United States, but it is arguable of which country’s system is better. It is also debatable of whether the U.S. can adapt a different system and still be successful. This is a current problem in society and should not be ignored. References Davis, K., Schoen, C., Shea, K., Haran, C. (2008). Aiming High for the U.S. Health System: A Context for Health Reform. Journal of Law, Medicine Ethics, 36(4), 629-643. doi:10.1111/j.1748-720X.2008.00317.x Dressel, Holly. â€Å"Has Canada Got the Cure?†. In Reinking, J Robert Vonderosten (eds). Strategies for Successful Writing (p. 572- 576). Emanuel, Ezekiel J. (2008). â€Å"The Problem with Single-Payer Plans†. In Reinking, J Robert Vonderosten (eds). Strategies for Successful Writing (p. 566-Show MoreRelatedU.s. Health Care System1329 Words  | 6 PagesRunning Head: Compare and Contrast U.S. Healthcare Policy Compare and Contrast U.S. Healthcare Policy Shaquita Jefferson MHA 620 Dr. Rhonda C. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Know What the Experts are Saying About Good Essay Structures Samples
Know What the Experts are Saying About Good Essay Structures Samples The Good Essay Structures Samples Stories You see, the conventions of English essays are somewhat more formulaic than you may think and, in various ways, it can be as easy as counting to five. In conclusion, it would appear that assignment essays continue to get a prominent part in tertiary education as an assessment tool. If you are feeling confident about your essay-writing abilities, you can definitely branch out into longer and more intricate essays. In the long run, however, remember that fantastic writing doesn't happen by accident. Irrespective of your plans after, being a fantastic writer and crystal clear thinker will offer you a leg up your competition. This kind of writing usually requires an increased volume of writing. To acquire more information aside from the outline offered by means of a eulogy sample, there's a thorough eulogy writing kit an individual can consult. Good Essay Structures S amples Options The paragraph should not comprise any sentences that aren't directly associated with the issue set out in the signpost sentence. You don't need to find super technical with legal argumentative essays, but don't forget to do your homework on what the recent laws about your favorite topic actually say. If you've got more information to share, you can include as many as five body paragraphs. The evidence should directly relate to the claim to provide a great stream of ideas in the subject. You may use the samples as a foundation for working out how to write in the right style. In any event, your essay is going to have the exact same standard format and structure. There's a need to pay attention to the essays with good structure to have a vast variety of academic structures for task 1. You'll observe a similar structure in a number of the essays. Needless to say, you aren't confined to write just the way other samples outline, but it an excellent way to kick star t your learning approach. You should also incorporate something about the method you are likely to use. There are lots of ways to compose an introduction. Actually, if you're only needed to compose a particular number of pages, that would be an outrageously straightforward job. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Good Essay Structures Samples Writing a prosperous paper isn't as automatic as you could think, therefore, it requires some vital considerations. Essay introduction is your roadmap for the full essay. Structure also enables you to keep your thoughts organized. Essay structure permits you to align your ideas and ideas logically, making them readable and simple to comprehend. If you're structuring an essay that's presenting an argument, then you need to start out with a thesis statement. The previous sentence provides the reply to the essay question. The subsequent two or three paragraph should have the essay body. Before you even begin writing the content of your college essay, there are a few essay writing basic guide that you need to always bear in mind. Two new essay options are added, and a number of the previous questions are revised. Ideally, whoever is reading your essay ought to be able to tell from each individual paragraph precisely what the question is and the way you're structuring your argument. Bridget's essay is extremely strong, but there continue to be a couple little things that could be made better. Stephen's essay is quite effective. Before you commence writing your college essay, you might need to see the essay examplesA that we've listed for you, so that you may have more idea on what things to put in the college essay which you will create. State the position you're interested in, and why you would like to fill it. So far as essay structure goes, a 4 or 5 paragraph essay based on the number of points you may want to argue is a great start. It's important to select debatable argumentative essay topics since you need opposing points that you are able to counter to your own points.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Effective Practices In Childhood Education -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Effective Practices In Childhood Education? Answer: Introduction According to the Government of UK (2017), The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets the standards of learning, care and development of children from 0 to 5 years. The main areas of learning that has been highlight by the EYFS include language andcommunication development, physical development, literacy, social, personal and emotional development, creative skills in mathematics, a proper understanding about the concept of the world and growing skills in expressive arts and design. Proper development of all these skills as mentioned under the banner of EYFS promotes creative thinking capability of the child. According to the reports published by Davies et al. (2013), creative thought process, creative problem-solving skills, thinking in a creative manner, the art of creative learning and the possibility of thinking in an innovative or creative approach belong to the general category of creative thinking skills. This creative thinking skills have both practical and cognitive elements . Creative thinking or creativity in thinking helps in the generation of new ideas among the children. It also helps them to find and discover new and innovative ways of doing things while giving the children confidence and motivation to take risks (Wang, 2012). In the Montessori training approach, creative thinking is promoted via focusing on the childs individuals need. This focus on the individual need is done via seeding optimised environment and this optimised environment help in promoting the creative thinking skills of the child (Craft, McConnon Matthews, 2012). According to Davies et al. (2013), there are reasonable evidences across numerous studies that taking students outside of their class rooms and working with them in an outdoor set-up can foster creative development. This outdoor set-up must be favourable for the children. The reason behind this is associated with the ownership and collaboration. Research carried by Bancroft et al. (2008), elucidated that taking an initia l walk, whether in a rural or urban settings can provide an enriched context for the purpose of elucidating a childs schemas along with interest on which the Montessori teacher can build to increase their creativity. Other activities which are found increasing the creative thinking ability of a child include creative utilization of the red rods for designing of the Christmas tree help in the sensorial development in child which in turn promotes creative thinking ability. Plastic colorful building blocks use to make a ridge or building also promotes the creative view point of a child. According to the reports published by Verdine et al. (2014), interlocking block construction promotes spatial assembly skills in children which have a significant impact not only on the creative thinking skills but also on the mathematical skills. Other specific areas of aspect of creative curriculum which are undertaken by Montessori teacher to promote the creative development include movement and dance, music, visual art, imaginative role and taking part in drama. This cumulative activity promotes the development of gross motor skills, sustained thinking and thereby promoting towards creative thinking (Bredekamp, 2016). This concept of sustained shared thinking is proposed by Siraj Blachford. According to him, sustained shared thinking promotes the development of the brain which enables the children to develop innovative ideas thereby helping them to increase their horizon of knowledge (Craft, McConnon Matthews, 2012). The importance of Montessori in assisting the creative skill development of the children lies in the fact that Montessori talks a lot about the trust between the children and teachers and this trust help in the generation creative thinking skills among the children via gaining a confidence in them that they can take risk (Bredekamp, 2016). The Montessori teacher also track the progress of the creative thinking of the children thus taking a critical review of the skill development process as per the EYFS guidelines stated by the Government of UK. The main role of the Montessori teacher while assisting a child towards the development of creativity is to first create a positive environment based on the age band of the child is will be followed by open ended question allowing the freedom fo speech. This freedom of speech will help the child to gain proficiency in language and communication thus satisfying the goals of EYFS. The development of language and communication power further helps in the development of expressive language, imaginary language and sharing of creative ideas. Apart from freedom of speech, the educator will also be responsible to provide the child with suitable tools which will aid in creative development and sustained shared thinking. However, these tools need to be creative and fresh (Bredekamp, 2016). Creativity also supports various other aspects of a childs development. Gross motor skill is one of main domain of development that is shaped up along with the training for the creative skills. Creative activity which assists in the development of the gross motor skills include ribbon painting, dancing along the music, painting with wheels and playing imaginary roles(PeetHartwick, 2015). This development of the gross motor skills in turn help in the overall promotion of the physical development via generating proper hand eye co-ordination, development of sensory motor skills and fine motor skills. Other aspects of the EYFS that are covered under the banner of creative thinking skills of a child is the development of cognitive thinking ability along with social and emotional development (Peet Hartwick, 2015). The cognitive ability increases the problem solving skills and thereby aiding towards the development of creative thinking. Social and emotional development helps the child to c onnect with the environment leading to productive interaction and thus helping in the development of creativity. This social and emotional development aid the child to work on their self-esteem and thereby helping to gain confidence towards positive interaction (Bridges, 2017). Thus from the above discussion it can be concluded that the main areas of learning which are highlight by the EYFS is comprehensively covered via promotion of the creative thinking ability of the child under the controlled supervision of an educator. References Bancroft, S., Fawcett, M., Hay, P. (2008). Researching children researching the world: 5 5 5 = creativity. Trentham: Stoke-on-Trent Bredekamp, S. (2016).Effective practices in early childhood education: Building a foundation. Boston: Pearson. Bridges, K. M. B. (2017).The social and emotional development of the pre-school child.Routledge. Craft, A., McConnon, L., Matthews, A. (2012). Child-initiated play and professional creativity: Enabling four-year-olds possibility thinking.Thinking Skills and Creativity,7(1), 48-61. Davies, D., Jindal-Snape, D., Collier, C., Digby, R., Hay, P., Howe, A. (2013). Creative learning environments in educationA systematic literature review.Thinking Skills and Creativity,8, 80-91. Government of UK (2017).Early Years Foundation Stage. England Retrieved from: Peet, R., Hartwick, E. (2015).Theories of development: Contentions, arguments, alternatives. Guilford Publications. Verdine, B. N., Golinkoff, R. M., Hirsh?Pasek, K., Newcombe, N. S., Filipowicz, A. T., Chang, A. (2014). Deconstructing building blocks: Preschoolers' spatial assembly performance relates to early mathematical skills.Child development,85(3), 1062-1076. Wang, A. Y. (2012). Exploring the relationship of creative thinking to reading and writing.Thinking Skills and Creativity,7(1), 38-47.
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