Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Charles Darwin s Views On Evolution And Evolution
Mutual exclusivity is a concept that pertains to two or more events, in which the occurrence of one, precludes the occurrence of the other. Creationism and evolution are two notions that can be viewed as mutually exclusive or non-mutually exclusive, depending on the evidence that you are provided with as well as one’s personal beliefs. In order to appreciate this concept it is important to understand the meanings of both opposing arguments. Creationism is the belief that the universe and living creatures originate from specific acts of divine creation, as is seen in the Bible, rather than by natural processes such as evolution. Evolution, on the other hand, is the process by which different kinds of living organisms are believed to have advanced from earlier forms during the history of planet earth. This is a highly controversial topic and has attracted the attention of many famous scientists looking to disprove creationism and prove evolution. One of the most famous being Charles Darwin. A popular synonym for evolution is the word â€Å"Darwinism†, therefore showing that Charles Darwin was a fully committed believer of the theory of evolution. The evidence behind the evolution theory depicts the earth to be around four and a half billion years old. It also clearly states that all life on earth evolved from primitive, single celled organisms. In 1859 Charles Darwin published his novel â€Å"The Origin of Species†which is suggestive against creationism and for natural selection.Show MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Science And Technology1454 Words  | 6 Pagesscience. Science is crucial because it has helped form the world that we live in today. Charles Robert Darwin was an English geologist and naturalist, best known for his significant addition to the science of evolution. 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